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From: ffmpegagent <>
Cc: Michael Niedermayer <>,
	softworkz <>,
	Andriy Gelman <>,
	Andreas Rheinhardt <>
Subject: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 00/25] Subtitle Filtering 2022
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 09:57:32 +0000
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

Subtitle Filtering 2022

This is a substantial update to the earlier subtitle filtering patch series.
A primary goal has been to address others' concerns as much as possible on
one side and to provide more clarity and control over the way things are
working. Clarity is is specifically important to allow for a better
understanding of the need for a subtitle start pts value that can be
different from the frame's pts value. This is done by refactoring the
subtitle timing fields in AVFrame, adding a frame field to indicate repeated
subtitle frames, and finally the full removal of the heartbeat
functionality, replaced by a new 'subfeed' filter that provides different
modes for arbitrating subtitle frames in a filter graph. Finally, each
subtitle filter's documentation has been amended by a section describing the
filter's timeline behavior (in v3 update).

Subtitle Filtering Demos

I published a demonstration of subtitle filtering capabilities with OCR,
text and bitmap subtitle manipulation involved: Demo 1: Text-Manipulation
with Bitmap Subtitles

v5 - Conversion to Graphic Subtitles, and other enhancements

 * I'm glad to announce that Traian (@tcoza) has joined the project and
   contributed a new 'text2graphicsub' filter to convert text subtitles to
   graphic subtitles, which can in turn be encoded as dvd, dvb or x-subs
   (and any other encoder for graphic subs that might be added in the
   future). This filter closes the last open "gap" in subtitle processing.
 * stripstyles filter: now allows very fine-grained control over which ASS
   style codes should be preserved or stripped
 * stripstyles: do not drop dialog margin values
 * subfeed filter: eliminates duplicate frames with duplicate start times
   when 'fix_overlap' is specified
 * textmod: do not drop effect values
 * graphicsub2text: reduce font size jitter
 * ass_split: add function to selectively preserve elements when splitting
 * add strim, snull and ssink and further unify subtitle frame handling with
   audio and video
 * ffmpeg_filter: get simple filter notation working for subtitles

v4 - Quality Improvements

 * finally an updated version
 * includes many improvements from internal testing
 * all FATE tests passed
 * all example commands from the docs verified to work
 * can't list all the detail changes..
 * I have left out the extra commits which can be handled separately, just
   in case somebody wonders why these are missing:
   * avcodec/webvttenc: Don't encode drawing codes and empty lines
   * avcodec/webvttenc: convert hard-space tags to  
   * avutil/ass_split: Add parsing of hard-space tags (\h)
   * avutil/ass_split: Treat all content in curly braces as hidden
   * avutil/ass_split: Fix ass parsing of style codes with comments

v3 - Rebase

due to merge conflicts - apologies.

Changes in v2

 * added .gitattributes file to enforce binary diffs for the test refs that
   cannot be applied when being sent via e-mail
 * perform filter graph re-init due to subtitle "frame size" change only
   when the size was unknown before and not set via -canvas_size
 * overlaytextsubs: Make sure to request frames on the subtitle input
 * avfilter/splitcc: Start parsing cc data on key frames only
 * avcodec/webvttenc: Don't encode ass drawing codes and empty lines
 * stripstyles: fix mem leak
 * gs2t: improve color detection
 * gs2t: empty frames must not be skipped
 * subfeed: fix name
 * textmod: preserve margins
 * added .gitattributes file to enforce binary diffs for the test refs that
   cannot be applied when being sent via e-mail
 * perform filter graph re-init due to subtitle "frame size" change only
   when the size was unknown before and not set via -canvas_size
 * avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution
 * Made changes suggested by Andreas
 * Fixed failing command line reported by Michael

Changes from previous version v24:


 * Removed sub_start_time The start time is now added to the subtitle
   start_pts during decoding The sub_end_time field is adjusted accordingly
 * Renamed sub_end_time to duration which it is effectively after removing
   the start_time
 * Added a sub-struct 'subtitle_timing' to av frame Contains subtitle_pts
   renamed to 'subtitle_timing.start_pts' and 'subtitle_timing.duration'
 * Change both fields to (fixed) time_base AV_TIMEBASE
 * add repeat_sub field provides a clear indication whether a subtitle frame
   is an actual subtitle event or a repeated subtitle frame in a filter

Heartbeat Removal

 * completely removed the earlier heartbeat implementation
 * filtering arbitration is now implemented in a new filter: 'subfeed'
 * subfeed will be auto-inserted for compatiblity with sub2video command
 * the new behavior is not exactly identical to the earlier behavior, but it
   basically allows to achieve the same results
 * there's a small remainder, now named subtitle kickoff which serves to get
   things (in the filter graph) going right from the start

New 'subfeed' Filter

 * a versatile filter for solving all kinds of problems with subtile frame
   flow in filter graphs
 * Can be inserted at any position in a graph
 * Auto-inserted for sub2video command lines (in repeat-mode)
 * Allows duration fixup delay input frames with unknown duration and infer
   duration from start of subsequent frame
 * Provides multiple modes of operation:
   * repeat mode (default) Queues input frames Outputs frames at a fixed
     (configurable) rate Either sends a matching input frame (repeatedly) or
     empty frames otherwise
   * scatter mode similar to repeat mode, but splits input frames by
     duration into small segments with same content
   * forward mode No fixed output rate Useful in combination with duration
     fixup or overlap fixup

ffmpeg Tool Changes

 * delay subtitle output stream initialization (like for audio and video)
   This is needed for example when a format header depends on having
   received an initial frame to derive certain header values from
 * decoding: set subtitle frame size from decoding context
 * re-init graph when subtitle size changes
 * always insert subscale filter for sub2video command lines (to ensure
   correct scaling)

Subtitle Encoding

 * ignore repeated frames for encoding based on repeat_sub field in AVFrame
 * support multi-area encoding for text subtitles Subtitle OCR can create
   multiple areas at different positions. Previously, the texts were always
   squashed into a single area ('subtitle rect'), which was not ideal.
   Multiple text areas are now generally supported:
   * ASS Encoder Changed to use the 'receive_packet' encoding API A single
     frame with multiple text areas will create multiple packets now
   * All other text subtitle encoders A newline is inserted between the text
     from multiple areas

graphicsub2text (OCR)

 * enhanced preprocessing
   * using elbg algorithm for color quantization
   * detection and removal of text outlines
   * map-based identification of colors per word (text, outline, background)
 * add option for duration fixup
 * add option to dump preprocessing bitmaps
 * Recognize formatting and apply as ASS inline styles
   * per word(!)
   * paragraph alignment
   * positioning
   * font names
   * font size
   * font style (italic, underline, bold)
   * text color, outline color

Other Filter Changes

 * all: Make sure to forward all link properties (time base, frame rate, w,
   h) where appropriate
 * overlaytextsubs: request frames on the subtitle input
 * overlaytextsubs: disable read-order checking
 * overlaytextsubs: improve implementation of render_latest_only
 * overlaytextsubs: ensure equal in/out video formats
 * splitcc: derive framerate from realtime_latency
 * graphicsub2video: implement caching of converted frames
 * graphicsub2video: use 1x1 output frame size as long as subtitle size is
   unknown (0x0)

Plus a dozen of things I forgot..

softworkz (24):
  avcodec,avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and
    deprecate old values
  avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling
  avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API
  avcodec/libzvbi: set subtitle type
  avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api
  avcodec,avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and
    extend ass dialog parsing
  avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values
  fftools/play,probe: Adjust for subtitle changes
  avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation
  avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames
  avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index
  avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters
  avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and
    graphicsub2video filters
  avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video
  avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters
  avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter
  avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling
  avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR)
  avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging
    graphical subtitles
  avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter
  avfilter/snull,strim: Add snull and strim filters
  avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API
  fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based
    subtitle encoding
  avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution

tcoza (1):
  avfilter/text2graphicsub: Added text2graphicsub subtitle filter

 configure                                 |   10 +-
 doc/filters.texi                          |  807 ++++++++++++++
 fftools/ffmpeg.c                          |  613 +++++-----
 fftools/ffmpeg.h                          |   17 +-
 fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c                   |  270 +++--
 fftools/ffmpeg_hw.c                       |    2 +-
 fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c                      |   28 +-
 fftools/ffplay.c                          |  102 +-
 fftools/ffprobe.c                         |   47 +-
 libavcodec/Makefile                       |   56 +-
 libavcodec/ass.h                          |  151 +--
 libavcodec/ass_split.h                    |  191 ----
 libavcodec/assdec.c                       |    4 +-
 libavcodec/assenc.c                       |  191 +++-
 libavcodec/avcodec.c                      |    8 +
 libavcodec/avcodec.h                      |   34 +-
 libavcodec/ccaption_dec.c                 |   20 +-
 libavcodec/codec_internal.h               |   12 -
 libavcodec/decode.c                       |   60 +-
 libavcodec/dvbsubdec.c                    |   53 +-
 libavcodec/dvbsubenc.c                    |   96 +-
 libavcodec/dvdsubdec.c                    |    2 +-
 libavcodec/dvdsubenc.c                    |  102 +-
 libavcodec/encode.c                       |   61 +-
 libavcodec/internal.h                     |   16 +
 libavcodec/jacosubdec.c                   |    2 +-
 libavcodec/libaribb24.c                   |    2 +-
 libavcodec/libzvbi-teletextdec.c          |   17 +-
 libavcodec/microdvddec.c                  |    7 +-
 libavcodec/movtextdec.c                   |    3 +-
 libavcodec/movtextenc.c                   |  126 ++-
 libavcodec/mpl2dec.c                      |    2 +-
 libavcodec/pgssubdec.c                    |    2 +-
 libavcodec/realtextdec.c                  |    2 +-
 libavcodec/samidec.c                      |    2 +-
 libavcodec/srtdec.c                       |    2 +-
 libavcodec/srtenc.c                       |  116 +-
 libavcodec/subviewerdec.c                 |    2 +-
 libavcodec/tests/avcodec.c                |    5 +-
 libavcodec/textdec.c                      |    4 +-
 libavcodec/ttmlenc.c                      |  114 +-
 libavcodec/utils.c                        |  185 ++-
 libavcodec/webvttdec.c                    |    2 +-
 libavcodec/webvttenc.c                    |   94 +-
 libavcodec/xsubdec.c                      |    2 +-
 libavcodec/xsubenc.c                      |   88 +-
 libavfilter/Makefile                      |   18 +
 libavfilter/allfilters.c                  |   19 +
 libavfilter/avfilter.c                    |   34 +-
 libavfilter/avfilter.h                    |   11 +
 libavfilter/avfiltergraph.c               |    5 +
 libavfilter/buffersink.c                  |   54 +
 libavfilter/buffersink.h                  |    7 +
 libavfilter/buffersrc.c                   |   72 ++
 libavfilter/buffersrc.h                   |    1 +
 libavfilter/formats.c                     |   16 +
 libavfilter/formats.h                     |    3 +
 libavfilter/internal.h                    |   19 +-
 libavfilter/sf_graphicsub2text.c          | 1137 +++++++++++++++++++
 libavfilter/sf_snull.c                    |   50 +
 libavfilter/sf_splitcc.c                  |  395 +++++++
 libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c              |  237 ++++
 libavfilter/sf_subfeed.c                  |  412 +++++++
 libavfilter/sf_subscale.c                 |  884 +++++++++++++++
 libavfilter/sf_text2graphicsub.c          |  630 +++++++++++
 libavfilter/sf_textmod.c                  |  710 ++++++++++++
 libavfilter/subtitles.c                   |   63 ++
 libavfilter/subtitles.h                   |   44 +
 libavfilter/trim.c                        |   46 +-
 libavfilter/vf_overlaygraphicsubs.c       |  765 +++++++++++++
 libavfilter/vf_overlaytextsubs.c          |  680 +++++++++++
 libavfilter/vf_subtitles.c                |   67 +-
 libavutil/Makefile                        |    4 +
 {libavcodec => libavutil}/ass.c           |  115 +-
 libavutil/ass_internal.h                  |  135 +++
 {libavcodec => libavutil}/ass_split.c     |  179 ++-
 libavutil/ass_split_internal.h            |  254 +++++
 libavutil/frame.c                         |  206 +++-
 libavutil/frame.h                         |   85 +-
 libavutil/subfmt.c                        |   45 +
 libavutil/subfmt.h                        |  115 ++
 libavutil/version.h                       |    1 +
 tests/ref/fate/filter-overlay-dvdsub-2397 |  182 +--
 tests/ref/fate/sub-dvb                    |  162 +--
 tests/ref/fate/sub-scc                    |    1 -
 tests/ref/fate/sub2video                  | 1091 +++++++++++++++++-
 tests/ref/fate/sub2video_basic            | 1238 +++++++++++++++++++--
 tests/ref/fate/sub2video_time_limited     |   78 +-
 88 files changed, 12398 insertions(+), 1604 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 libavcodec/ass_split.h
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_graphicsub2text.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_snull.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_splitcc.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_subfeed.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_subscale.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_text2graphicsub.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/sf_textmod.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/subtitles.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/subtitles.h
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/vf_overlaygraphicsubs.c
 create mode 100644 libavfilter/vf_overlaytextsubs.c
 rename {libavcodec => libavutil}/ass.c (59%)
 create mode 100644 libavutil/ass_internal.h
 rename {libavcodec => libavutil}/ass_split.c (71%)
 create mode 100644 libavutil/ass_split_internal.h
 create mode 100644 libavutil/subfmt.c
 create mode 100644 libavutil/subfmt.h

base-commit: 6a82412bf33108111eb3f63076fd5a51349ae114
Fetch-It-Via: git fetch pr-ffstaging-18/softworkz/submit_subfiltering-v5

Range-diff vs v4:

  1:  2f3ba171f5 =  1:  aa32b9048f avcodec,avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values
  2:  ff101f8a76 !  2:  d5ab9d1919 avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling
     @@ libavutil/frame.c: FF_ENABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS
      +    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
               return frame_copy_video(dst, src);
      -    else if (dst->nb_samples > 0 &&
     --             (av_channel_layout_check(&dst->ch_layout)
     --              || dst->channel_layout || dst->channels
     --            ))
      +    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
     -         return frame_copy_audio(dst, src);
     ++        if (dst->nb_samples > 0 &&
     +              (av_channel_layout_check(&dst->ch_layout)
     +               || dst->channels > 0
     + #endif
     +             ))
     +-        return frame_copy_audio(dst, src);
     --    return AVERROR(EINVAL);
     ++            return frame_copy_audio(dst, src);
     ++        break;
      +    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
      +        return frame_copy_subtitles(dst, src, 1);
     -+    default:
     -+        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
      +    }
     - }
     - void av_frame_remove_side_data(AVFrame *frame, enum AVFrameSideDataType type)
     +     return AVERROR(EINVAL);
     + }
       ## libavutil/frame.h ##
  3:  b8935d5e68 =  3:  0a685a6b19 avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API
  4:  4b44732e07 =  4:  0b69b1ce19 avcodec/libzvbi: set subtitle type
  5:  8faa7a4043 =  5:  0c2091e57c avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api
  6:  1664026d7c !  6:  4903cdd1cd avcodec,avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing
     @@ Commit message
          - hard_space callback (for upcoming fix)
          - extensible callback (for future extension)
     +    - new API which allows tag filtering
          Signed-off-by: softworkz <>
     @@ libavcodec/ass.h
      -                             const char *linebreaks, int keep_ass_markup);
       #endif /* AVCODEC_ASS_H */
     + ## libavcodec/ass_split.h (deleted) ##
     +- * SSA/ASS spliting functions
     +- * Copyright (c) 2010  Aurelien Jacobs <>
     +- *
     +- * This file is part of FFmpeg.
     +- *
     +- * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     +- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     +- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     +- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     +- *
     +- * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     +- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     +- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
     +- *
     +- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     +- * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
     +- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
     +- */
     +-#ifndef AVCODEC_ASS_SPLIT_H
     +-#define AVCODEC_ASS_SPLIT_H
     +- * fields extracted from the [Script Info] section
     +- */
     +-typedef struct {
     +-    char *script_type;    /**< SSA script format version (eg. v4.00) */
     +-    char *collisions;     /**< how subtitles are moved to prevent collisions */
     +-    int   play_res_x;     /**< video width that ASS coords are referring to */
     +-    int   play_res_y;     /**< video height that ASS coords are referring to */
     +-    float timer;          /**< time multiplier to apply to SSA clock (in %) */
     +-} ASSScriptInfo;
     +- * fields extracted from the [V4(+) Styles] section
     +- */
     +-typedef struct {
     +-    char *name;           /**< name of the tyle (case sensitive) */
     +-    char *font_name;      /**< font face (case sensitive) */
     +-    int   font_size;      /**< font height */
     +-    int   primary_color;  /**< color that a subtitle will normally appear in */
     +-    int   secondary_color;
     +-    int   outline_color;  /**< color for outline in ASS, called tertiary in SSA */
     +-    int   back_color;     /**< color of the subtitle outline or shadow */
     +-    int   bold;           /**< whether text is bold (1) or not (0) */
     +-    int   italic;         /**< whether text is italic (1) or not (0) */
     +-    int   underline;      /**< whether text is underlined (1) or not (0) */
     +-    int   strikeout;
     +-    float scalex;
     +-    float scaley;
     +-    float spacing;
     +-    float angle;
     +-    int   border_style;
     +-    float outline;
     +-    float shadow;
     +-    int   alignment;      /**< position of the text (left, center, top...),
     +-                               defined after the layout of the numpad
     +-                               (1-3 sub, 4-6 mid, 7-9 top) */
     +-    int   margin_l;
     +-    int   margin_r;
     +-    int   margin_v;
     +-    int   alpha_level;
     +-    int   encoding;
     +-} ASSStyle;
     +- * fields extracted from the [Events] section
     +- */
     +-typedef struct {
     +-    int   readorder;
     +-    int   layer;    /**< higher numbered layers are drawn over lower numbered */
     +-    int   start;    /**< start time of the dialog in centiseconds */
     +-    int   end;      /**< end time of the dialog in centiseconds */
     +-    char *style;    /**< name of the ASSStyle to use with this dialog */
     +-    char *name;
     +-    int   margin_l;
     +-    int   margin_r;
     +-    int   margin_v;
     +-    char *effect;
     +-    char *text;     /**< actual text which will be displayed as a subtitle,
     +-                         can include style override control codes (see
     +-                         ff_ass_split_override_codes()) */
     +-} ASSDialog;
     +- * structure containing the whole split ASS data
     +- */
     +-typedef struct {
     +-    ASSScriptInfo script_info;   /**< general information about the SSA script*/
     +-    ASSStyle     *styles;        /**< array of split out styles */
     +-    int           styles_count;  /**< number of ASSStyle in the styles array */
     +-    ASSDialog    *dialogs;       /**< array of split out dialogs */
     +-    int           dialogs_count; /**< number of ASSDialog in the dialogs array*/
     +-} ASS;
     +- * This struct can be casted to ASS to access to the split data.
     +- */
     +-typedef struct ASSSplitContext ASSSplitContext;
     +- * Split a full ASS file or a ASS header from a string buffer and store
     +- * the split structure in a newly allocated context.
     +- *
     +- * @param buf String containing the ASS formatted data.
     +- * @return Newly allocated struct containing split data.
     +- */
     +-ASSSplitContext *ff_ass_split(const char *buf);
     +- * Free a dialogue obtained from ff_ass_split_dialog().
     +- */
     +-void ff_ass_free_dialog(ASSDialog **dialogp);
     +- * Split one ASS Dialogue line from a string buffer.
     +- *
     +- * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     +- * @param buf String containing the ASS "Dialogue" line.
     +- * @return Pointer to the split ASSDialog. Must be freed with ff_ass_free_dialog()
     +- */
     +-ASSDialog *ff_ass_split_dialog(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *buf);
     +- * Free all the memory allocated for an ASSSplitContext.
     +- *
     +- * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     +- */
     +-void ff_ass_split_free(ASSSplitContext *ctx);
     +- * Set of callback functions corresponding to each override codes that can
     +- * be encountered in a "Dialogue" Text field.
     +- */
     +-typedef struct {
     +-    /**
     +-     * @defgroup ass_styles    ASS styles
     +-     * @{
     +-     */
     +-    void (*text)(void *priv, const char *text, int len);
     +-    void (*new_line)(void *priv, int forced);
     +-    void (*style)(void *priv, char style, int close);
     +-    void (*color)(void *priv, unsigned int /* color */, unsigned int color_id);
     +-    void (*alpha)(void *priv, int alpha, int alpha_id);
     +-    void (*font_name)(void *priv, const char *name);
     +-    void (*font_size)(void *priv, int size);
     +-    void (*alignment)(void *priv, int alignment);
     +-    void (*cancel_overrides)(void *priv, const char *style);
     +-    /** @} */
     +-    /**
     +-     * @defgroup ass_functions    ASS functions
     +-     * @{
     +-     */
     +-    void (*move)(void *priv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int t1, int t2);
     +-    void (*origin)(void *priv, int x, int y);
     +-    /** @} */
     +-    /**
     +-     * @defgroup ass_end    end of Dialogue Event
     +-     * @{
     +-     */
     +-    void (*end)(void *priv);
     +-    /** @} */
     +-} ASSCodesCallbacks;
     +- * Split override codes out of a ASS "Dialogue" Text field.
     +- *
     +- * @param callbacks Set of callback functions called for each override code
     +- *                  encountered.
     +- * @param priv Opaque pointer passed to the callback functions.
     +- * @param buf The ASS "Dialogue" Text field to split.
     +- * @return >= 0 on success otherwise an error code <0
     +- */
     +-int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     +-                                const char *buf);
     +- * Find an ASSStyle structure by its name.
     +- *
     +- * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     +- * @param style name of the style to search for.
     +- * @return the ASSStyle corresponding to style, or NULL if style can't be found
     +- */
     +-ASSStyle *ff_ass_style_get(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *style);
     +-#endif /* AVCODEC_ASS_SPLIT_H */
       ## libavcodec/assdec.c ##
       #include <string.h>
     @@ libavutil/ass.c: char *ff_ass_get_dialog(int readorder, int layer, const char *s
      -                    const char *speaker)
      +char *avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(int readorder, int layer, const char *style,
      +                        const char *speaker, int margin_l, int margin_r,
     -+                        int margin_v, const char *text)
     ++                        int margin_v, const char *effect, const char *text)
      -    return ff_ass_add_rect2(sub, dialog, readorder, layer, style, speaker, NULL);
     @@ libavutil/ass.c: char *ff_ass_get_dialog(int readorder, int layer, const char *s
      -    FFASSDecoderContext *s = avctx->priv_data;
      -    if (!(avctx->flags2 & AV_CODEC_FLAG2_RO_FLUSH_NOOP))
      -        s->readorder = 0;
     -+    return av_asprintf("%d,%d,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,,%s",
     ++    return av_asprintf("%d,%d,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s",
      +                       readorder, layer, style ? style : "Default",
      +                       speaker ? speaker : "", margin_l, margin_r,
     -+                       margin_v, text);
     ++                       margin_v, effect ? effect : "", text);
      -void ff_ass_bprint_text_event(AVBPrint *buf, const char *p, int size,
     @@ libavutil/ass_internal.h (new)
      + */
      +char *avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(int readorder, int layer, const char *style,
      +                        const char *speaker, int margin_l, int margin_r,
     -+                        int margin_v, const char *text);
     ++                        int margin_v, const char *effect, const char *text);
      + * Escape a text subtitle using ASS syntax into an AVBPrint buffer.
     @@ libavutil/ass_split.c: ASSDialog *ff_ass_split_dialog(ASSSplitContext *ctx, cons
           if (ctx) {
               int i;
      @@ libavutil/ass_split.c: void ff_ass_split_free(ASSSplitContext *ctx)
     +     }
     ++static int ass_remove_empty_braces(AVBPrint* buffer)
     ++    char* tmp;
     ++    int ret = 0, n = 0;
      -int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     -+int avpriv_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     -                                 const char *buf)
     +-                                const char *buf)
     ++    if (buffer == NULL || buffer->len == 0 || !av_bprint_is_complete(buffer))
     ++        return 0;
     ++    ret = av_bprint_finalize(buffer, &tmp);
     ++    if (ret)
     ++        return ret;
     ++    for (unsigned i = 0; i < buffer->len; i++) {
     ++        if (tmp[i] == '{' && tmp[i+1] == '}')
     ++            i++;
     ++        else
     ++            tmp[n++] = tmp[i];
     ++    }
     ++    tmp[n++] = '\0';
     ++    av_bprint_init(buffer, n, n);
     ++    av_bprint_append_data(buffer, tmp, n - 1);
     ++    av_free(tmp);
     ++    return ret;
     ++static void ass_write_filtered_line(AVBPrint* buffer, const char *buf, int len, enum ASSSplitComponents keep_flags, enum ASSSplitComponents split_component)
     ++    if (buffer == NULL || buf == NULL || len == 0)
     ++        return;
     ++    if (split_component != ASS_SPLIT_ANY && !(keep_flags & split_component))
     ++        return;
     ++    av_bprint_append_data(buffer, buf, len - 1);
     ++int avpriv_ass_filter_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv, const char *buf, AVBPrint* outbuffer, enum ASSSplitComponents keep_flags)
           const char *text = NULL;
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split.c: int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     +     char new_line[2];
     +-    int text_len = 0;
     ++    int text_len = 0, ret = 0;
     +     while (buf && *buf) {
     +-        if (text && callbacks->text &&
     +-            (sscanf(buf, "\\%1[nN]", new_line) == 1 ||
     +-             !strncmp(buf, "{\\", 2))) {
     +-            callbacks->text(priv, text, text_len);
     ++        if (text && (sscanf(buf, "\\%1[nN]", new_line) == 1 || !strncmp(buf, "{\\", 2))) {
     ++            ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, text, text_len + 1, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT | ASS_SPLIT_TEXT2);
     ++            if (callbacks->text)
     ++                callbacks->text(priv, text, text_len);
     +             text = NULL;
     +         }
     +         if (sscanf(buf, "\\%1[nN]", new_line) == 1) {
     +             if (callbacks->new_line)
     +                 callbacks->new_line(priv, new_line[0] == 'N');
     ++            ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, 3, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_ANY);
     +             buf += 2;
     +         } else if (!strncmp(buf, "{\\", 2)) {
     ++            ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, 2, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_ANY);
     +             buf++;
                   while (*buf == '\\') {
     -                 char style[2], c[2], sep[2], c_num[2] = "0", tmp[128] = {0};
     +-                char style[2], c[2], sep[2], c_num[2] = "0", tmp[128] = {0};
     ++                char style[4], c[2], axis[3], sep[3], c_num[2] = "0", tmp[128] = {0};
                       unsigned int color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      -                int len, size = -1, an = -1, alpha = -1;
      -                int x1, y1, x2, y2, t1 = -1, t2 = -1;
      +                int len, size = -1, an = -1, alpha = -1, scale = 0;
     -+                int x1, y1, x2, y2, t1 = -1, t2 = -1, accel = 1;
     ++                float f1 = 1;
     ++                int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, t1 = -1, t2 = -1, t3 = -1, t4 = -1, accel = 1;
                       if (sscanf(buf, "\\%1[bisu]%1[01\\}]%n", style, c, &len) > 1) {
                           int close = c[0] == '0' ? 1 : c[0] == '1' ? 0 : -1;
                           len += close != -1;
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split.c: int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     ++                    switch (c[0]) {
     ++                    case 'b':
     ++                        ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_BOLD);
     ++                        break;
     ++                    case 'u':
     ++                        ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_UNDERLINE);
     ++                        break;
     ++                    case 'i':
     ++                        ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_ITALIC);
     ++                        break;
     ++                    case 'a':
     ++                        ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_STRIKEOUT);
     ++                        break;
     ++                    }
     +                     if (callbacks->style)
     +                         callbacks->style(priv, style[0], close);
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\c%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\c&H%X&%1[\\}]%n", &color, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\%1[1234]c%1[\\}]%n", c_num, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\%1[1234]c&H%X&%1[\\}]%n", c_num, &color, sep, &len) > 2) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_COLOR);
     +                     if (callbacks->color)
     +                         callbacks->color(priv, color, c_num[0] - '0');
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\alpha%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\alpha&H%2X&%1[\\}]%n", &alpha, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\%1[1234]a%1[\\}]%n", c_num, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\%1[1234]a&H%2X&%1[\\}]%n", c_num, &alpha, sep, &len) > 2) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_ALPHA);
     +                     if (callbacks->alpha)
     +                         callbacks->alpha(priv, alpha, c_num[0] - '0');
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fn%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\fn%127[^\\}]%1[\\}]%n", tmp, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_NAME);
     +                     if (callbacks->font_name)
     +                         callbacks->font_name(priv, tmp[0] ? tmp : NULL);
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fs%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\fs%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SIZE);
     +                     if (callbacks->font_size)
     +                         callbacks->font_size(priv, size);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fscx%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fscx%f%1[\\}]%n", &f1, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SCALE);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fscy%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fscy%f%1[\\}]%n", &f1, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SCALE);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fsp%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fsp%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SPACING);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fe%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fe%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FONT_CHARSET);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\bord%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\bord%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BORDER);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\shad%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\shad%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_SHADOW);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fr%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fr%u%1[\\}]%n", &x1, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fr%1[xyz]%1[\\}]%n", axis, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\fr%1[xyz]%u%1[\\}]%n", axis, &size, sep, &len) > 2) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_ROTATE);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\blur%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\blur%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BLUR);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\be%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\be%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BLUR);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\q%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\q%u%1[\\}]%n", &size, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_WRAP);
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\a%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\a%2u%1[\\}]%n", &an, sep, &len) > 1 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\an%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\an%1u%1[\\}]%n", &an, sep, &len) > 1) {
     +                     if (an != -1 && buf[2] != 'n')
     +                         an = (an&3) + (an&4 ? 6 : an&8 ? 3 : 0);
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_ALIGNMENT);
     +                     if (callbacks->alignment)
     +                         callbacks->alignment(priv, an);
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\r%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\r%127[^\\}]%1[\\}]%n", tmp, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_CANCELLING);
     +                     if (callbacks->cancel_overrides)
     +                         callbacks->cancel_overrides(priv, tmp);
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\move(%d,%d,%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, sep, &len) > 4 ||
     +                            sscanf(buf, "\\move(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &t1, &t2, sep, &len) > 6) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_MOVE);
     +                     if (callbacks->move)
     +                         callbacks->move(priv, x1, y1, x2, y2, t1, t2);
     +                 } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\pos(%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &x1, &y1, sep, &len) > 2) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_POS);
     +                     if (callbacks->move)
     +                         callbacks->move(priv, x1, y1, x1, y1, -1, -1);
                       } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\org(%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &x1, &y1, sep, &len) > 2) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_ORIGIN);
                           if (callbacks->origin)
                               callbacks->origin(priv, x1, y1);
     -+                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\t(%d,%d,%1[\\}]%n", &t1, &t2, sep, &len) > 2 ||
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\t(%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
     ++                           sscanf(buf, "\\t(%d,%d,%1[\\}]%n", &t1, &t2, sep, &len) > 2 ||
      +                           sscanf(buf, "\\t(%d,%d,%d,%1[\\}]%n", &t1, &t2, &accel, sep, &len) > 3) {
     ++                    len = strcspn(buf, ")") + 2;
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_ANIMATE);
      +                    if (callbacks->animate)
      +                        callbacks->animate(priv, t1, t2, accel, tmp);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fade(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &x1, &x2, &x3, &t1, &t2, &t3, &t4, sep, &len) > 7) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FADE);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\fad(%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &t1, &t2, sep, &len) > 2) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_FADE);
     ++                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\clip(%d,%d,%d,%d)%1[\\}]%n", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, sep, &len) > 4) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_CLIP);
      +                } else if (sscanf(buf, "\\p%1[\\}]%n", sep, &len) > 0 ||
      +                           sscanf(buf, "\\p%u%1[\\}]%n", &scale, sep, &len) > 1) {
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_DRAW);
      +                    if (callbacks->drawing_mode)
      +                        callbacks->drawing_mode(priv, scale);
                       } else {
     -                     len = strcspn(buf+1, "\\}") + 2;  /* skip unknown code */
     -                 }
     +-                    len = strcspn(buf+1, "\\}") + 2;  /* skip unknown code */
     +-                }
     ++                    len = strcspn(buf+1, "\\}") + 2;  /* unknown code */
     ++                    ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, buf, len, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_UNKNOWN);
     ++             }
     +                 buf += len - 1;
     +             }
     +             if (*buf++ != '}')
     +                 return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
     +-        } else {
     ++            ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, "}", 2, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_ANY);
     ++     } else {
     +             if (!text) {
     +                 text = buf;
     +                 text_len = 1;
      @@ libavutil/ass_split.c: int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     -     return 0;
     +             buf++;
     +         }
     +     }
     ++    if (text)
     ++        ass_write_filtered_line(outbuffer, text, text_len + 1, keep_flags, ASS_SPLIT_TEXT | ASS_SPLIT_TEXT2);
     +     if (text && callbacks->text)
     +         callbacks->text(priv, text, text_len);
     +     if (callbacks->end)
     +         callbacks->end(priv);
     +-    return 0;
     ++    if (outbuffer)
     ++        ret = ass_remove_empty_braces(outbuffer);
     ++    return ret;
     ++int avpriv_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     ++                                const char *buf)
     ++    return avpriv_ass_filter_override_codes(callbacks, priv, buf, NULL, 0);
      -ASSStyle *ff_ass_style_get(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *style)
     @@ libavutil/ass_split.c: int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *
           ASS *ass = &ctx->ass;
           int i;
     - ## libavcodec/ass_split.h => libavutil/ass_split_internal.h ##
     + ## libavutil/ass_split_internal.h (new) ##
     -  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
     -  */
     --#ifndef AVCODEC_ASS_SPLIT_H
     --#define AVCODEC_ASS_SPLIT_H
     ++ * SSA/ASS spliting functions
     ++ * Copyright (c) 2010  Aurelien Jacobs <>
     ++ *
     ++ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
     ++ *
     ++ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     ++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     ++ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     ++ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     ++ *
     ++ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     ++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     ++ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
     ++ *
     ++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     ++ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
     ++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
     ++ */
     - /**
     -  * fields extracted from the [Script Info] section
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: typedef struct {
     -     char *effect;
     -     char *text;     /**< actual text which will be displayed as a subtitle,
     -                          can include style override control codes (see
     --                         ff_ass_split_override_codes()) */
     -+                         avpriv_ass_split_override_codes()) */
     - } ASSDialog;
     - /**
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: typedef struct ASSSplitContext ASSSplitContext;
     -  * @param buf String containing the ASS formatted data.
     -  * @return Newly allocated struct containing split data.
     -  */
     --ASSSplitContext *ff_ass_split(const char *buf);
     ++#include "bprint.h"
     ++enum ASSSplitComponents
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_ANY = 0,
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT           = (1 << 0),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT2          = (1 << 1), // Same semantics as ASS_SPLIT_TEXT. To work around help output default display.
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_COLOR          = (1 << 2),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_ALPHA          = (1 << 3),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_NAME      = (1 << 4),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SIZE      = (1 << 5),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SCALE     = (1 << 6),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SPACING   = (1 << 7),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_CHARSET   = (1 << 8),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_BOLD      = (1 << 9),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_ITALIC    = (1 << 10),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_UNDERLINE = (1 << 11),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FONT_STRIKEOUT = (1 << 12),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BORDER    = (1 << 13),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_SHADOW    = (1 << 14),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_ROTATE    = (1 << 15),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BLUR      = (1 << 16),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_WRAP      = (1 << 17),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_ALIGNMENT = (1 << 18),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_CANCELLING     = (1 << 19),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_MOVE           = (1 << 20),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_POS            = (1 << 21),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_ORIGIN         = (1 << 22),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_DRAW           = (1 << 23),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_ANIMATE        = (1 << 24),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_FADE           = (1 << 25),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_CLIP           = (1 << 26),
     ++    ASS_SPLIT_UNKNOWN        = (1 << 27),
     ++    /**
     ++     * fields extracted from the [Script Info] section
     ++     */
     ++    typedef struct {
     ++      char *script_type; /**< SSA script format version (eg. v4.00) */
     ++  char *collisions;  /**< how subtitles are moved to prevent collisions */
     ++  int play_res_x;    /**< video width that ASS coords are referring to */
     ++  int play_res_y;    /**< video height that ASS coords are referring to */
     ++  float timer;       /**< time multiplier to apply to SSA clock (in %) */
     ++} ASSScriptInfo;
     ++ * fields extracted from the [V4(+) Styles] section
     ++ */
     ++typedef struct {
     ++  char *name;        /**< name of the tyle (case sensitive) */
     ++  char *font_name;   /**< font face (case sensitive) */
     ++  int font_size;     /**< font height */
     ++  int primary_color; /**< color that a subtitle will normally appear in */
     ++  int secondary_color;
     ++  int outline_color; /**< color for outline in ASS, called tertiary in SSA */
     ++  int back_color;    /**< color of the subtitle outline or shadow */
     ++  int bold;          /**< whether text is bold (1) or not (0) */
     ++  int italic;        /**< whether text is italic (1) or not (0) */
     ++  int underline;     /**< whether text is underlined (1) or not (0) */
     ++  int strikeout;
     ++  float scalex;
     ++  float scaley;
     ++  float spacing;
     ++  float angle;
     ++  int border_style;
     ++  float outline;
     ++  float shadow;
     ++  int alignment; /**< position of the text (left, center, top...),
     ++                      defined after the layout of the numpad
     ++                      (1-3 sub, 4-6 mid, 7-9 top) */
     ++  int margin_l;
     ++  int margin_r;
     ++  int margin_v;
     ++  int alpha_level;
     ++  int encoding;
     ++} ASSStyle;
     ++ * fields extracted from the [Events] section
     ++ */
     ++typedef struct {
     ++  int readorder;
     ++  int layer;   /**< higher numbered layers are drawn over lower numbered */
     ++  int start;   /**< start time of the dialog in centiseconds */
     ++  int end;     /**< end time of the dialog in centiseconds */
     ++  char *style; /**< name of the ASSStyle to use with this dialog */
     ++  char *name;
     ++  int margin_l;
     ++  int margin_r;
     ++  int margin_v;
     ++  char *effect;
     ++  char *text; /**< actual text which will be displayed as a subtitle,
     ++                   can include style override control codes (see
     ++                   avpriv_ass_split_override_codes()) */
     ++} ASSDialog;
     ++ * structure containing the whole split ASS data
     ++ */
     ++typedef struct {
     ++  ASSScriptInfo script_info; /**< general information about the SSA script*/
     ++  ASSStyle *styles;          /**< array of split out styles */
     ++  int styles_count;          /**< number of ASSStyle in the styles array */
     ++  ASSDialog *dialogs;        /**< array of split out dialogs */
     ++  int dialogs_count;         /**< number of ASSDialog in the dialogs array*/
     ++} ASS;
     ++ * This struct can be casted to ASS to access to the split data.
     ++ */
     ++typedef struct ASSSplitContext ASSSplitContext;
     ++ * Split a full ASS file or a ASS header from a string buffer and store
     ++ * the split structure in a newly allocated context.
     ++ *
     ++ * @param buf String containing the ASS formatted data.
     ++ * @return Newly allocated struct containing split data.
     ++ */
      +ASSSplitContext *avpriv_ass_split(const char *buf);
     - /**
     -- * Free a dialogue obtained from ff_ass_split_dialog().
      + * Free a dialogue obtained from avpriv_ass_split_dialog().
     -  */
     --void ff_ass_free_dialog(ASSDialog **dialogp);
     ++ */
      +void avpriv_ass_free_dialog(ASSDialog **dialogp);
     - /**
     -  * Split one ASS Dialogue line from a string buffer.
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: void ff_ass_free_dialog(ASSDialog **dialogp);
     -  * @param buf String containing the ASS "Dialogue" line.
     -  * @return Pointer to the split ASSDialog. Must be freed with ff_ass_free_dialog()
     -  */
     --ASSDialog *ff_ass_split_dialog(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *buf);
     ++ * Split one ASS Dialogue line from a string buffer.
     ++ *
     ++ * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     ++ * @param buf String containing the ASS "Dialogue" line.
     ++ * @return Pointer to the split ASSDialog. Must be freed with
     ++ * ff_ass_free_dialog()
     ++ */
      +ASSDialog *avpriv_ass_split_dialog(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *buf);
     - /**
     -  * Free all the memory allocated for an ASSSplitContext.
     -  *
     -  * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     -  */
     --void ff_ass_split_free(ASSSplitContext *ctx);
     ++ * Free all the memory allocated for an ASSSplitContext.
     ++ *
     ++ * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     ++ */
      +void avpriv_ass_split_free(ASSSplitContext *ctx);
     - /**
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: typedef struct {
     -      * @{
     -      */
     -     void (*text)(void *priv, const char *text, int len);
     -+    void (*hard_space)(void *priv);
     -     void (*new_line)(void *priv, int forced);
     -     void (*style)(void *priv, char style, int close);
     -     void (*color)(void *priv, unsigned int /* color */, unsigned int color_id);
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: typedef struct {
     -      * @{
     -      */
     -     void (*move)(void *priv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int t1, int t2);
     -+    void (*animate)(void *priv, int t1, int t2, int accel, char *style);
     -     void (*origin)(void *priv, int x, int y);
     -+    void (*drawing_mode)(void *priv, int scale);
     -+    /** @} */
     -+    /**
     -+     * @defgroup ass_ext    ASS extensible parsing callback
     -+     * @{
     -+     */
     -+    void (*ext)(void *priv, int ext_id, const char *text, int p1, int p2);
     -     /** @} */
     -     /**
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: typedef struct {
     -  * @param buf The ASS "Dialogue" Text field to split.
     -  * @return >= 0 on success otherwise an error code <0
     -  */
     --int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     -+int avpriv_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     -                                 const char *buf);
     - /**
     -@@ libavutil/ass_split_internal.h: int ff_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks, void *priv,
     -  * @param style name of the style to search for.
     -  * @return the ASSStyle corresponding to style, or NULL if style can't be found
     -  */
     --ASSStyle *ff_ass_style_get(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *style);
     ++ * Set of callback functions corresponding to each override codes that can
     ++ * be encountered in a "Dialogue" Text field.
     ++ */
     ++typedef struct {
     ++  /**
     ++   * @defgroup ass_styles    ASS styles
     ++   * @{
     ++   */
     ++  void (*text)(void *priv, const char *text, int len);
     ++  void (*hard_space)(void *priv);
     ++  void (*new_line)(void *priv, int forced);
     ++  void (*style)(void *priv, char style, int close);
     ++  void (*color)(void *priv, unsigned int /* color */, unsigned int color_id);
     ++  void (*alpha)(void *priv, int alpha, int alpha_id);
     ++  void (*font_name)(void *priv, const char *name);
     ++  void (*font_size)(void *priv, int size);
     ++  void (*alignment)(void *priv, int alignment);
     ++  void (*cancel_overrides)(void *priv, const char *style);
     ++  /** @} */
     ++  /**
     ++   * @defgroup ass_functions    ASS functions
     ++   * @{
     ++   */
     ++  void (*move)(void *priv, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int t1, int t2);
     ++  void (*animate)(void *priv, int t1, int t2, int accel, char *style);
     ++  void (*origin)(void *priv, int x, int y);
     ++  void (*drawing_mode)(void *priv, int scale);
     ++  /** @} */
     ++  /**
     ++   * @defgroup ass_ext    ASS extensible parsing callback
     ++   * @{
     ++   */
     ++  void (*ext)(void *priv, int ext_id, const char *text, int p1, int p2);
     ++  /** @} */
     ++  /**
     ++   * @defgroup ass_end    end of Dialogue Event
     ++   * @{
     ++   */
     ++  void (*end)(void *priv);
     ++  /** @} */
     ++} ASSCodesCallbacks;
     ++ * Split override codes out of a ASS "Dialogue" Text field.
     ++ *
     ++ * @param callbacks Set of callback functions called for each override code
     ++ *                  encountered.
     ++ * @param priv Opaque pointer passed to the callback functions.
     ++ * @param buf The ASS "Dialogue" Text field to split.
     ++ * @param outbuffer The output buffer.
     ++ * @param keep_flags Flags for filtering ass codes.
     ++ * @return >= 0 on success otherwise an error code <0
     ++ */
     ++int avpriv_ass_filter_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks,
     ++                                     void *priv, const char *buf,
     ++                                     AVBPrint *outbuffer, enum ASSSplitComponents keep_flags);
     ++ * Split override codes out of a ASS "Dialogue" Text field.
     ++ *
     ++ * @param callbacks Set of callback functions called for each override code
     ++ *                  encountered.
     ++ * @param priv Opaque pointer passed to the callback functions.
     ++ * @param buf The ASS "Dialogue" Text field to split.
     ++ * @return >= 0 on success otherwise an error code <0
     ++ */
     ++int avpriv_ass_split_override_codes(const ASSCodesCallbacks *callbacks,
     ++                                    void *priv, const char *buf);
     ++ * Find an ASSStyle structure by its name.
     ++ *
     ++ * @param ctx Context previously initialized by ff_ass_split().
     ++ * @param style name of the style to search for.
     ++ * @return the ASSStyle corresponding to style, or NULL if style can't be found
     ++ */
      +ASSStyle *avpriv_ass_style_get(ASSSplitContext *ctx, const char *style);
     --#endif /* AVCODEC_ASS_SPLIT_H */
      +#endif /* AVUTIL_ASS_SPLIT_INTERNAL_H */
  7:  09d8cf7880 =  7:  98f12ad7e9 avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values
  8:  897299bf7f =  8:  12c8a308d3 fftools/play,probe: Adjust for subtitle changes
  9:  ca580c6d21 =  9:  2e55dbe180 avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation
 10:  0781e974a2 = 10:  c931041103 avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames
 11:  d9d9f42558 = 11:  36cab55ff2 avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index
 12:  af69a4b321 = 12:  f41070479c avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters
 13:  f7e5b590a2 ! 13:  9bfaba4ace avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters
     @@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_vf_overlay_qsv;
       extern const AVFilter ff_vf_owdenoise;
       extern const AVFilter ff_vf_pad;
       extern const AVFilter ff_vf_pad_opencl;
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showvolume;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showspectrumpic;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showvolume;
       extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwaves;
       extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwavespic;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
       /* multimedia sources */
     - extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_avsynctest;
       ## libavfilter/vf_overlaygraphicsubs.c (new) ##
 14:  4c8092357f ! 14:  918fd9aaf5 avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters
     @@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_vf_overlay_vaapi;
       extern const AVFilter ff_vf_owdenoise;
       extern const AVFilter ff_vf_pad;
       extern const AVFilter ff_vf_pad_opencl;
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwaves;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showvolume;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwaves;
       extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwavespic;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
       extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_svf_textsub2video;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
       /* multimedia sources */
     - extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_avsynctest;
       ## libavfilter/vf_overlaytextsubs.c (new) ##
 15:  8fdbdf7c5f ! 15:  a361ad35c5 avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters
     @@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_YUVTESTSRC_FILTER)             += vsrc_tests
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_ADRAWGRAPH_FILTER)             += f_drawgraph.o
       ## libavfilter/allfilters.c ##
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showvolume;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwaves;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwavespic;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_avsynctest;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_amovie;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_movie;
     ++/* subtitle filters */
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_censor;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_showspeaker;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_textmod;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_textsub2video;
     + /* those filters are part of public or internal API,
     +  * they are formatted to not be found by the grep
     +  * as they are manually added again (due to their 'names'
       ## libavfilter/sf_textmod.c (new) ##
     @@ libavfilter/sf_textmod.c (new)
      +    av_bprint_finalize(&pbuf, &text);
     -+    result = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(dialog->readorder, dialog->layer, dialog->style, dialog->name, dialog->margin_l, dialog->margin_r, dialog->margin_v, text);
     ++    result = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(dialog->readorder, dialog->layer, dialog->style, dialog->name, dialog->margin_l, dialog->margin_r, dialog->margin_v, dialog->effect, text);
      +    av_free(text);
      +    avpriv_ass_free_dialog(&dialog);
     @@ libavfilter/sf_textmod.c (new)
      +    if (!text)
      +        return NULL;
     -+    result = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(dialog->readorder, dialog->layer, dialog->style, dialog->name, dialog->margin_l, dialog->margin_r, dialog->margin_v, text);
     ++    result = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(dialog->readorder, dialog->layer, dialog->style, dialog->name, dialog->margin_l, dialog->margin_r, dialog->margin_v, dialog->effect, text);
      +    av_free(text);
      +    avpriv_ass_free_dialog(&dialog);
 16:  d44b22f15b ! 16:  bca90ebc3e avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter
     @@ doc/filters.texi: ffmpeg -i "
       ## libavfilter/Makefile ##
      @@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_NULLSINK_FILTER)               += vsink_nullsink.o
     + # subtitle filters
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_CENSOR_FILTER)                 += sf_textmod.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHOW_SPEAKER_FILTER)           += sf_textmod.o
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
      +OBJS-$(CONFIG_STRIPSTYLES_FILTER)            += sf_stripstyles.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
       # multimedia filters
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_ABITSCOPE_FILTER)              += avf_abitscope.o
       ## libavfilter/allfilters.c ##
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwavespic;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_movie;
     + /* subtitle filters */
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_censor;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_showspeaker;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_stripstyles;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_textmod;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_textsub2video;
     + /* those filters are part of public or internal API,
       ## libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new) ##
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +#include "libavutil/opt.h"
      +#include "internal.h"
     ++#include "libavutil/ass_internal.h"
      +#include "libavutil/ass_split_internal.h"
      +#include "libavutil/bprint.h"
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +    const AVClass *class;
      +    enum AVSubtitleType format;
      +    int remove_animated;
     ++    enum ASSSplitComponents keep_flags;
      +    int select_layer;
      +} StripStylesContext;
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +    AVBPrint buffer;
      +    int drawing_scale;
      +    int is_animated;
     ++    int plain_text_length;
      +} DialogContext;
      +static void dialog_text_cb(void *priv, const char *text, int len)
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +    av_log(s->ss_ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "dialog_text_cb: %s\n", text);
      +    if (!s->drawing_scale && (!s->is_animated || !s->ss_ctx->remove_animated))
     -+        av_bprint_append_data(&s->buffer, text, len);
     ++        s->plain_text_length += len;
     ++        ////av_bprint_append_data(&s->buffer, text, len);
      +static void dialog_new_line_cb(void *priv, int forced)
      +    DialogContext *s = priv;
      +    if (!s->drawing_scale && !s->is_animated)
     -+        av_bprint_append_data(&s->buffer, forced ? "\\N" : "\\n", 2);
     ++        s->plain_text_length += 2;
     ++        ////av_bprint_append_data(&s->buffer, forced ? "\\N" : "\\n", 2);
      +static void dialog_drawing_mode_cb(void *priv, int scale)
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +    .move             = dialog_move_cb,
     -+static char *ass_get_line(int readorder, int layer, const char *style,
     -+                        const char *speaker, const char *effect, const char *text)
     -+    return av_asprintf("%d,%d,%s,%s,0,0,0,%s,%s",
     -+                       readorder, layer, style ? style : "Default",
     -+                       speaker ? speaker : "", effect, text);
      +static char *process_dialog(StripStylesContext *s, const char *ass_line)
      +    DialogContext dlg_ctx = { .ss_ctx = s };
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +    dlg_ctx.ss_ctx = s;
     -+    av_bprint_init(&dlg_ctx.buffer, 0, AV_BPRINT_SIZE_UNLIMITED);
     ++    av_bprint_init(&dlg_ctx.buffer, 512, AV_BPRINT_SIZE_UNLIMITED);
     -+    avpriv_ass_split_override_codes(&dialog_callbacks, &dlg_ctx, dialog->text);
     ++    avpriv_ass_filter_override_codes(&dialog_callbacks, &dlg_ctx, dialog->text, &dlg_ctx.buffer, s->keep_flags);
     -+    if (av_bprint_is_complete(&dlg_ctx.buffer)
     -+        && dlg_ctx.buffer.len > 0)
     -+        result = ass_get_line(dialog->readorder, dialog->layer, dialog->style, dialog->name, dialog->effect, dlg_ctx.buffer.str);
     ++    if (av_bprint_is_complete(&dlg_ctx.buffer) && dlg_ctx.buffer.len > 0 && dlg_ctx.plain_text_length > 0)
     ++        result = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(dialog->readorder, dialog->layer, dialog->style, dialog->name, dialog->margin_l, dialog->margin_r, dialog->margin_v, dialog->effect, dlg_ctx.buffer.str);
      +    av_bprint_finalize(&dlg_ctx.buffer, NULL);
      +    avpriv_ass_free_dialog(&dialog);
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +            area->ass = process_dialog(s, area->ass);
      +            if (area->ass) {
     -+                av_log(inlink->dst, AV_LOG_INFO, "original: %d %s\n", i, tmp);
     -+                av_log(inlink->dst, AV_LOG_INFO, "stripped: %d %s\n", i, area->ass);
     ++                av_log(inlink->dst, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "original: %d %s\n", i, tmp);
     ++                av_log(inlink->dst, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "stripped: %d %s\n", i, area->ass);
      +            }
      +            else
      +                area->ass = NULL;
     @@ libavfilter/sf_stripstyles.c (new)
      +static const AVOption stripstyles_options[] = {
     ++    { "keep_flags", "flags to control which override codes to keep", OFFSET(keep_flags), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT }, .flags = FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "basic",          "keep static style tags only",             .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_BASIC          },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "all_known",      "keep all known tags",                     .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_ALL_KNOWN      },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text",           "keep text content",                       .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT           },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "color",          "keep color tags (\\c, \\<n>c)",           .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_COLOR          },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "alpha",          "keep color alpha tags (\\alpha, \\<n>a)", .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_ALPHA          },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_name",      "keep font name tags (\\fn)",              .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_NAME      },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_size",      "keep font size tags (\\fs)",              .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SIZE      },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_scale",     "keep font scale tags (\\fscx, \\fscy)",   .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SCALE     },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_spacing",   "keep font spacing tags (\\fsp)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_SPACING   },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_charset",   "keep font charset tags (\\fe)",           .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_CHARSET   },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_bold",      "keep font bold tags (\\b)",               .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_BOLD      },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_italic",    "keep font italic tags (\\i)",             .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_ITALIC    },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_underline", "keep font underline tags (\\u)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_UNDERLINE },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "font_strikeout", "keep font strikeout tags (\\s)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FONT_STRIKEOUT },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text_border",    "keep text border tags (\\bord)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BORDER    },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text_shadow",    "keep text shadow tags (\\shad)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_SHADOW    },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text_rotate",    "keep text rotate tags (\\fr)",            .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_ROTATE    },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text_blur",      "keep text blur tags (\\blur, \\be)",      .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_BLUR      },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text_wrap",      "keep text wrap tags (\\q)",               .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_WRAP      },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "text_align",     "keep text align tags (\\a, \\an)",        .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_TEXT_ALIGNMENT },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "reset_override", "keep override reset tags (\\r)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_CANCELLING     },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "move",           "keep move tags (\\move)",                 .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_MOVE           },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "pos",            "keep position tags (\\pos)",              .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_POS            },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "origin",         "keep origin tags (\\org)",                .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_ORIGIN         },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "draw",           "keep drawing tags (\\p)",                 .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_DRAW           },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "animate",        "keep animation tags (\\t)",               .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_ANIMATE        },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "fade",           "keep fade tags (\\fad, \\fade)",          .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_FADE           },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "clip",           "keep clip tags (\\clip)",                 .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_CLIP           },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
     ++        { "unknown",        "keep unknown tags",                       .type = AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = ASS_SPLIT_UNKNOWN        },  .flags=FLAGS, .unit = "keepflags" },
      +    { "remove_animated", "remove animated text (default: yes)",   OFFSET(remove_animated),  AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, {.i64 = 1 },  0, 1, FLAGS, 0 },
     -+    { "select_layer", "process a specific ass layer only",   OFFSET(remove_animated),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = -1 }, -1, INT_MAX, FLAGS, 0 },
     ++    { "select_layer", "process a specific ass layer only",   OFFSET(select_layer),  AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, {.i64 = -1 }, -1, INT_MAX, FLAGS, 0 },
      +    { NULL },
 17:  28d75dc982 ! 17:  6e488e495f avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling
     @@ doc/filters.texi: ffmpeg -i INPUT -filter_complex "showspeaker=format=colon:styl
       ## libavfilter/Makefile ##
      @@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_NULLSINK_FILTER)               += vsink_nullsink.o
     + # subtitle filters
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_CENSOR_FILTER)                 += sf_textmod.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHOW_SPEAKER_FILTER)           += sf_textmod.o
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
      +OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPLITCC_FILTER)                += sf_splitcc.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_STRIPSTYLES_FILTER)            += sf_stripstyles.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
     - # multimedia filters
       ## libavfilter/allfilters.c ##
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwavespic;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_movie;
     + /* subtitle filters */
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_censor;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_showspeaker;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_splitcc;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_stripstyles;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_textmod;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
       ## libavfilter/sf_splitcc.c (new) ##
 18:  42d1d1c819 ! 18:  1057dff7da avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR)
     @@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_GBLUR_FILTER)                  += vf_gblur.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_GRAYWORLD_FILTER)              += vf_grayworld.o
       ## libavfilter/allfilters.c ##
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwaves;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_avf_showwavespic;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_vaf_spectrumsynth;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_avsrc_movie;
     + /* subtitle filters */
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_censor;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_graphicsub2text;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_showspeaker;
     @@ libavfilter/sf_graphicsub2text.c (new)
      +                }
      +            }
     -+            if (pointsize != cur_pointsize && s->recognize & RFLAGS_FONTSIZE) {
     -+                av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "pointsize - pointsize: %d\n", pointsize);
     -+                in_code = print_code(&s->buffer, in_code, "\\fs%d", (int)(pointsize * font_factor));
     -+                cur_pointsize = pointsize;
     ++            if (pointsize > 0 && pointsize != cur_pointsize && s->recognize & RFLAGS_FONTSIZE) {
     ++                float change_factor = (float)(FFABS(pointsize - cur_pointsize)) / FFMAX(pointsize, cur_pointsize);
     ++                // Avoid small changes due to recognition variance
     ++                if (change_factor > 0.12f) {
     ++                    av_log(s, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "pointsize - pointsize: %d\n", pointsize);
     ++                    in_code = print_code(&s->buffer, in_code, "\\fs%d", (int)(pointsize * font_factor));
     ++                    cur_pointsize = pointsize;
     ++                }
      +            }
      +            if (is_italic && !cur_is_italic && s->recognize & RFLAGS_FITALIC)
     @@ libavfilter/sf_graphicsub2text.c (new)
      +            const int layer = s->recognize ? i : 0;
      +            char *tmp = area->ass;
     -+            area->ass = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(s->readorder_counter++, layer, "Default", NULL, 0, 0, margin_v, tmp);
     ++            area->ass = avpriv_ass_get_dialog_ex(s->readorder_counter++, layer, "Default", NULL, 0, 0, margin_v, NULL, tmp);
      +            av_free(tmp);
      +        }
      +    }
 19:  7095e8aa26 ! 19:  4e85fb5d2f avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles
     @@ doc/filters.texi: Set the rendering margin in pixels.
       @chapter Multimedia Filters
       ## libavfilter/Makefile ##
     -@@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHOW_SPEAKER_FILTER)           += sf_textmod.o
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
     +@@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_CENSOR_FILTER)                 += sf_textmod.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHOW_SPEAKER_FILTER)           += sf_textmod.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPLITCC_FILTER)                += sf_splitcc.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_STRIPSTYLES_FILTER)            += sf_stripstyles.o
      +OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBSCALE_FILTER)               += sf_subscale.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
       # multimedia filters
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_ABITSCOPE_FILTER)              += avf_abitscope.o
       ## libavfilter/allfilters.c ##
      @@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_sf_graphicsub2text;
     @@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_sf_graphicsub2text;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_stripstyles;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_subscale;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_textmod;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_textsub2video;
     + /* those filters are part of public or internal API,
       ## libavfilter/sf_subscale.c (new) ##
 20:  697939451e ! 20:  88e8adb889 avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter
     @@ Commit message
          Signed-off-by: softworkz <>
       ## libavfilter/Makefile ##
     -@@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
     +@@ libavfilter/Makefile: OBJS-$(CONFIG_CENSOR_FILTER)                 += sf_textmod.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_SHOW_SPEAKER_FILTER)           += sf_textmod.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_SPLITCC_FILTER)                += sf_splitcc.o
       OBJS-$(CONFIG_STRIPSTYLES_FILTER)            += sf_stripstyles.o
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBSCALE_FILTER)               += sf_subscale.o
      +OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBFEED_FILTER)                += sf_subfeed.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_SUBSCALE_FILTER)               += sf_subscale.o
     + OBJS-$(CONFIG_TEXTMOD_FILTER)                += sf_textmod.o
     - # multimedia filters
     - OBJS-$(CONFIG_ABITSCOPE_FILTER)              += avf_abitscope.o
       ## libavfilter/allfilters.c ##
     -@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_sf_showspeaker;
     +@@ libavfilter/allfilters.c: extern const AVFilter ff_sf_graphicsub2text;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_sf_showspeaker;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_splitcc;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_stripstyles;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_sf_subscale;
      +extern const AVFilter ff_sf_subfeed;
     + extern const AVFilter ff_sf_subscale;
       extern const AVFilter ff_sf_textmod;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_graphicsub2video;
     - extern const AVFilter ff_svf_textsub2video;
       ## libavfilter/sf_subfeed.c (new) ##
     @@ libavfilter/sf_subfeed.c (new)
      +        if (pts_diff <= 0) {
      +            av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "The pts_diff to the previous frame (index #%"PRId64")  is <= 0: %"PRId64" ms. The previous frame duration is %"PRId64" ms.\n",
      +                index, avtb_to_ms(pts_diff),  avtb_to_ms(previous_frame->subtitle_timing.duration));
     ++            if (s->fix_overlap) {
     ++                av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Removing previous frame\n");
     ++                previous_frame = ff_framequeue_take(&s->fifo);
     ++                while (nb_queued_frames > 1) {
     ++                    ff_framequeue_add(&s->fifo, previous_frame);
     ++                    previous_frame = ff_framequeue_take(&s->fifo);
     ++                    nb_queued_frames--;
     ++                }
     ++            }
      +        }
      +    }
  -:  ---------- > 21:  a96bb5c788 avfilter/text2graphicsub: Added text2graphicsub subtitle filter
  -:  ---------- > 22:  c4922f8466 avfilter/snull,strim: Add snull and strim filters
 21:  32e9af0806 = 23:  848f84d5dc avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API
 22:  fa0b5c2077 ! 24:  2645a1a842 fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based subtitle encoding
     @@ Commit message
            Overlay results have slightly different CRCs due to different
            blending implementation
     +    - sub-scc
     +      The first entry is no longer in the output because it is before
     +      the actual start time and the strim filter removes such entries
     +      now (like for video and audio)
          Signed-off-by: softworkz <>
       ## fftools/ffmpeg.c ##
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg.c: static int init_output_stream(OutputStream *ost, AVFrame *fram
                       return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg.c: static int transcode_init(void)
     +     for (i = 0; i < nb_output_streams; i++) {
     +         if (!output_streams[i]->stream_copy &&
     +             (output_streams[i]->enc_ctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ||
     +-             output_streams[i]->enc_ctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO))
     ++             output_streams[i]->enc_ctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ||
     ++             output_streams[i]->enc_ctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE))
     +             continue;
     +         ret = init_output_stream_wrapper(output_streams[i], NULL, 0);
      @@ fftools/ffmpeg.c: static OutputStream *choose_output(void)
                              av_rescale_q(ost->last_mux_dts, ost->st->time_base,
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: static void init_input_filter(FilterGraph *fg, AVFilter
                   if (check_stream_specifier(s, s->streams[i], *p == ':' ? p + 1 : p) == 1) {
                       st = s->streams[i];
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: static int insert_trim(int64_t start_time, int64_t duration,
     +     const char *name = (type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) ? "trim" : "atrim";
     +     int ret = 0;
     ++    switch (type) {
     ++    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
     ++        name = "trim";
     ++        break;
     ++    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
     ++        name = "atrim";
     ++        break;
     ++    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
     ++        name = "strim";
     ++        break;
     ++    default:
     ++        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "insert_trim: Invalid media type: %d\n", type);
     ++        return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
     ++    }
     +     if (duration == INT64_MAX && start_time == AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
     +         return 0;
      @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: static int insert_filter(AVFilterContext **last_filter, int *pad_idx,
           return 0;
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: static int insert_filter(AVFilterContext **last_filter,
      +static int configure_output_subtitle_filter(FilterGraph *fg, OutputFilter *ofilter, AVFilterInOut *out)
      +    OutputStream *ost = ofilter->ost;
     ++    OutputFile    *of = output_files[ost->file_index];
      +    AVFilterContext *last_filter = out->filter_ctx;
      +    int pad_idx = out->pad_idx;
      +    int ret;
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: static int insert_filter(AVFilterContext **last_filter,
      +        return ret;
      +    }
     -+    ////snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "trim_out_%d_%d",
     -+    ////         ost->file_index, ost->index);
     -+    ////ret = insert_trim(of->start_time, of->recording_time,
     -+    ////                  &last_filter, &pad_idx, name);
     -+    ////if (ret < 0)
     -+    ////    return ret;
     ++    snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "trim_out_%d_%d",
     ++             ost->file_index, ost->index);
     ++    ret = insert_trim(of->start_time, of->recording_time,
     ++                      &last_filter, &pad_idx, name);
     ++    if (ret < 0)
     ++        return ret;
      +    ////ost->st->codecpar->codec_tag = MKTAG('a', 's', 's', 's');
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: void check_filter_outputs(void)
      +    AVFilterContext *last_filter;
      +    const AVFilter *buffer_filt = avfilter_get_by_name("sbuffer");
      +    InputStream *ist = ifilter->ist;
     ++    InputFile     *f = input_files[ist->file_index];
      +    AVBPrint args;
      +    char name[255];
      +    int ret, pad_idx = 0;
      +    int w, h;
     ++    int64_t tsoffset = 0;
      +    AVBufferSrcParameters *par = av_buffersrc_parameters_alloc();
      +    enum AVMediaType media_type;
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: void check_filter_outputs(void)
      -            if (avf->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) {
      -                w = FFMAX(w, avf->streams[i]->codecpar->width);
      -                h = FFMAX(h, avf->streams[i]->codecpar->height);
     --            }
     --        }
     --        if (!(w && h)) {
     --            w = FFMAX(w, 720);
     --            h = FFMAX(h, 576);
     --        }
     --        av_log(avf, AV_LOG_INFO, "sub2video: using %dx%d canvas\n", w, h);
      +        w = ist->dec_ctx->width;
      +        h = ist->dec_ctx->height;
      +    }
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: void check_filter_outputs(void)
      +        w = ass->script_info.play_res_x;
      +        h = ass->script_info.play_res_y;
      +        avpriv_ass_split_free(ass_ctx);
     -     }
     --    ist->sub2video.w = ifilter->width  = w;
     --    ist->sub2video.h = ifilter->height = h;
     --    ifilter->width  = ist->dec_ctx->width  ? ist->dec_ctx->width  : ist->sub2video.w;
     --    ifilter->height = ist->dec_ctx->height ? ist->dec_ctx->height : ist->sub2video.h;
     ++    }
      +    ist->subtitle_kickoff.w = w;
      +    ist->subtitle_kickoff.h = h;
      +    av_log(ifilter, AV_LOG_INFO, "subtitle input filter: decoding size %dx%d\n", ist->subtitle_kickoff.w, ist->subtitle_kickoff.h);
     --    /* rectangles are AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8, but we have no guarantee that the
     --       palettes for all rectangles are identical or compatible */
     --    ifilter->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32;
      +    ifilter->width = w;
      +    ifilter->height = h;
      +    ist->dec_ctx->width = w;
      +    ist->dec_ctx->height = h;
     --    ist->sub2video.frame = av_frame_alloc();
     --    if (!ist->sub2video.frame)
     --        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
     --    ist->sub2video.last_pts = INT64_MIN;
     --    ist->sub2video.end_pts  = INT64_MIN;
      +    ist->subtitle_kickoff.last_pts = INT64_MIN;
      +    snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "graph %d subtitle input from stream %d:%d", fg->index,
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: void check_filter_outputs(void)
      +    if ((ret = avfilter_graph_create_filter(&ifilter->filter, buffer_filt, name,
      +                                            args.str, NULL, fg->graph)) < 0)
      +        goto fail;
     --    /* sub2video structure has been (re-)initialized.
     --       Mark it as such so that the system will be
     --       initialized with the first received heartbeat. */
     --    ist->sub2video.initialize = 1;
      +    par->hw_frames_ctx = ifilter->hw_frames_ctx;
      +    par->format = ifilter->format;
      +    par->width = ifilter->width;
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: void check_filter_outputs(void)
      +                    subscale_h = input->height;
      +                    break;
      +                }
     -+            }
     -+        }
     +             }
     +         }
     +-        if (!(w && h)) {
     +-            w = FFMAX(w, 720);
     +-            h = FFMAX(h, 576);
     +-        }
     +-        av_log(avf, AV_LOG_INFO, "sub2video: using %dx%d canvas\n", w, h);
     +-    }
     +-    ist->sub2video.w = ifilter->width  = w;
     +-    ist->sub2video.h = ifilter->height = h;
     +-    ifilter->width  = ist->dec_ctx->width  ? ist->dec_ctx->width  : ist->sub2video.w;
     +-    ifilter->height = ist->dec_ctx->height ? ist->dec_ctx->height : ist->sub2video.h;
      +        if (subscale_w && subscale_h) {
      +            char subscale_params[64];
      +            snprintf(subscale_params, sizeof(subscale_params), "w=%d:h=%d", subscale_w, subscale_h);
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: void check_filter_outputs(void)
      +            if (ret < 0)
      +                return ret;
      +        }
     +-    /* rectangles are AV_PIX_FMT_PAL8, but we have no guarantee that the
     +-       palettes for all rectangles are identical or compatible */
     +-    ifilter->format = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB32;
      +        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "Auto-inserting graphicsub2video filter\n");
      +        ret = insert_filter(&last_filter, &pad_idx, "graphicsub2video", NULL);
      +        if (ret < 0)
      +            return ret;
      +    }
     +-    ist->sub2video.frame = av_frame_alloc();
     +-    if (!ist->sub2video.frame)
     +-        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
     +-    ist->sub2video.last_pts = INT64_MIN;
     +-    ist->sub2video.end_pts  = INT64_MIN;
     ++    if (copy_ts) {
     ++        tsoffset = f->start_time == AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? 0 : f->start_time;
     ++        if (!start_at_zero && f->ctx->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
     ++            tsoffset += f->ctx->start_time;
     ++    }
     ++    ret = insert_trim(((f->start_time == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) || !f->accurate_seek) ?
     ++                      AV_NOPTS_VALUE : tsoffset, f->recording_time,
     ++                      &last_filter, &pad_idx, name);
     ++    if (ret < 0)
     ++        return ret;
     +-    /* sub2video structure has been (re-)initialized.
     +-       Mark it as such so that the system will be
     +-       initialized with the first received heartbeat. */
     +-    ist->sub2video.initialize = 1;
      +    if ((ret = avfilter_link(last_filter, 0, in->filter_ctx, in->pad_idx)) < 0)
      +        return ret;
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_filter.c: static int configure_input_video_filter(FilterGraph *fg
           int64_t tsoffset = 0;
      -    AVBufferSrcParameters *par = av_buffersrc_parameters_alloc();
      +    AVBufferSrcParameters *par;
      +    if (ist->dec_ctx->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE) {
      +        // Automatically insert conversion filter to retain compatibility
      +        // with sub2video command lines
      +        return configure_input_subtitle_filter(fg, ifilter, in);
      +    }
      +    par = av_buffersrc_parameters_alloc();
           if (!par)
               return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: static void add_input_streams(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatC
               case AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT:
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: static char *get_ost_filters(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc,
     +     if (ost->filters_script)
     +         return read_file(ost->filters_script);
     +-    else if (ost->filters)
     ++    if (ost->filters)
     +         return av_strdup(ost->filters);
     +-    return av_strdup(st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ?
     +-                     "null" : "anull");
     ++    switch (st->codecpar->codec_type) {
     ++    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: return av_strdup("null");
     ++    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: return av_strdup("anull");
     ++    case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE: return av_strdup("snull");
     ++    default: av_assert0(0); return NULL;
     ++    }
     + }
     + static void check_streamcopy_filters(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc,
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: static OutputStream *new_subtitle_stream(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc,
     +     subtitle_enc->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE;
     ++    MATCH_PER_STREAM_OPT(filter_scripts, str, ost->filters_script, oc, st);
     ++    MATCH_PER_STREAM_OPT(filters,        str, ost->filters,        oc, st);
     +     if (!ost->stream_copy) {
     +         char *frame_size = NULL;
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: static OutputStream *new_subtitle_stream(OptionsContext *o, AVFormatContext *oc,
     +             av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "Invalid frame size: %s.\n", frame_size);
     +             exit_program(1);
     +         }
     ++        ost->avfilter = get_ost_filters(o, oc, ost);
     ++        if (!ost->avfilter)
     ++            exit_program(1);
     +     }
     +     return ost;
      @@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: static void init_output_filter(OutputFilter *ofilter, OptionsContext *o,
           switch (ofilter->type) {
           case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: ost = new_video_stream(o, oc, -1); break;
     @@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: static void init_output_filter(OutputFilter *ofilter, Opti
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: loop_end:
     +             ist->processing_needed = 1;
     +             if (ost->st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ||
     +-                ost->st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
     ++                ost->st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO ||
     ++                ost->st->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE) {
     +                 err = init_simple_filtergraph(ist, ost);
     +                 if (err < 0) {
     +                     av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR,
     +@@ fftools/ffmpeg_opt.c: loop_end:
     +                 } else if (ost->enc->ch_layouts) {
     +                     f->ch_layouts = ost->enc->ch_layouts;
     +                 }
     ++                break;
     ++            case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE:
     ++                f->format     = ost->enc_ctx->subtitle_type;
     +                 break;
     +             }
     +         }
       ## tests/ref/fate/filter-overlay-dvdsub-2397 ##
     @@ tests/ref/fate/sub-dvb
      +0,   31400000,   31400000,   479000,       14, 0x0959015b
      +0,   31879000,   31879000,   479000,       14, 0x09c9016b
     + ## tests/ref/fate/sub-scc ##
     +@@ tests/ref/fate/sub-scc: Style: Default,Monospace,16,&Hffffff,&Hffffff,&H0,&H0,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,3,1,0,
     + [Events]
     + Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
     +-Dialogue: 0,0:00:-2.-47,0:00:00.70,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an7}{\pos(76,228)}WE HAVE FOUND A WITCH !\N{\an7}{\pos(76,243)}MAY WE BURN HER ?
     + Dialogue: 0,0:00:00.69,0:00:03.29,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an7}{\pos(115,228)}[ Crowd ]\N{\an7}{\pos(115,243)}BURN HER !  BURN HER !
     + Dialogue: 0,0:00:03.30,0:00:07.07,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an7}{\pos(38,197)}HOW DO YOU KNOW\N{\an7}{\pos(38,213)}SHE IS A WITCH ?\N{\an7}{\pos(153,243)}SHE LOOKS LIKE ONE !
     + Dialogue: 0,0:00:07.07,0:00:09.27,Default,,0,0,0,,{\an7}{\pos(192,228)}[ Shouting\N{\an7}{\pos(192,243)}\h\hAffirmations ]
       ## tests/ref/fate/sub2video ##
       0,         47,         47,        1,   518400, 0xde69683f
 23:  a66debd96e = 25:  a90a6e1086 avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution

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Thread overview: 217+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2022-01-14  1:13 [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 00/24] " ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 01/24] avcodec, avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 02/24] avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 03/24] avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API ffmpegagent
2022-01-14 17:53   ` Andreas Rheinhardt
2022-01-15  7:59     ` Soft Works
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 04/24] avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 05/24] avcodec, avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 06/24] avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API ffmpegagent
2022-01-14 17:22   ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-01-15  8:03     ` Soft Works
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 07/24] avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 08/24] fftools/play, probe: Adjust for subtitle changes ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 09/24] avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 10/24] avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 11/24] avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 12/24] avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 13/24] avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 14/24] avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 15/24] avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 16/24] avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 17/24] avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 18/24] avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR) ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 19/24] avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 20/24] avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 21/24] fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering new frame-based subtitle encoding ffmpegagent
2022-01-14 16:52   ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-01-15  8:36     ` Soft Works
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 22/24] avutil/ass_split: Add parsing of hard-space tags (\h) ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 23/24] avcodec/webvttenc: convert hard-space tags to &nbsp; ffmpegagent
2022-01-14  1:13 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH 24/24] doc/APIchanges: update for subtitle filtering changes ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48 ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 00/26] Subtitle Filtering 2022 ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 01/26] avcodec, avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 02/26] avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 03/26] avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 04/26] avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 05/26] avcodec, avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 06/26] avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 07/26] fftools/play, probe: Adjust for subtitle changes ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 08/26] avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 09/26] avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 10/26] avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 11/26] avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 12/26] avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 13/26] avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 14/26] avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 15/26] avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 16/26] avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 17/26] avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR) ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 18/26] avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 19/26] avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 20/26] avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 21/26] fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based subtitle encoding ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 22/26] avutil/ass_split: Add parsing of hard-space tags (\h) ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 23/26] avcodec/webvttenc: convert hard-space tags to &nbsp; ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 24/26] doc/APIchanges: update for subtitle filtering changes ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 25/26] avcodec/webvttenc: Don't encode drawing codes and empty lines ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  2:48   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v2 26/26] avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25   ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 00/26] Subtitle Filtering 2022 ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 01/26] avcodec, avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 02/26] avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 03/26] avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 04/26] avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 05/26] avcodec, avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 06/26] avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 07/26] fftools/play, probe: Adjust for subtitle changes ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 08/26] avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 09/26] avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 10/26] avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 11/26] avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 12/26] avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 13/26] avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 14/26] avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 15/26] avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 16/26] avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 17/26] avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR) ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 18/26] avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 19/26] avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 20/26] avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 21/26] fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based subtitle encoding ffmpegagent
2022-01-20 10:06       ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-01-20 15:17         ` Soft Works
2022-01-20 18:00           ` Andriy Gelman
2022-01-20 20:01             ` Soft Works
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 22/26] avutil/ass_split: Add parsing of hard-space tags (\h) ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 23/26] avcodec/webvttenc: convert hard-space tags to &nbsp; ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 24/26] doc/APIchanges: update for subtitle filtering changes ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 25/26] avcodec/webvttenc: Don't encode drawing codes and empty lines ffmpegagent
2022-01-20  3:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v3 26/26] avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution ffmpegagent
2022-05-28 13:25     ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 00/23] Subtitle Filtering 2022 ffmpegagent
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 01/23] avcodec, avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 02/23] avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 03/23] avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 04/23] avcodec/libzvbi: set subtitle type softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 05/23] avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 06/23] avcodec, avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 07/23] avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 08/23] fftools/play, probe: Adjust for subtitle changes softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 09/23] avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 10/23] avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 11/23] avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 12/23] avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 13/23] avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 14/23] avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 15/23] avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 16/23] avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 17/23] avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 18/23] avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR) softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 19/23] avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 20/23] avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 21/23] avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 22/23] fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based subtitle encoding softworkz
2022-05-28 13:25       ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v4 23/23] avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57       ` ffmpegagent [this message]
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 01/25] avcodec, avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 02/25] avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 03/25] avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 04/25] avcodec/libzvbi: set subtitle type softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 05/25] avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 06/25] avcodec, avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 07/25] avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 08/25] fftools/play, probe: Adjust for subtitle changes softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 09/25] avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 10/25] avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 11/25] avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 12/25] avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 13/25] avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 14/25] avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 15/25] avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 16/25] avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 17/25] avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 18/25] avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR) softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 19/25] avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 20/25] avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 21/25] avfilter/text2graphicsub: Added text2graphicsub subtitle filter tcoza
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 22/25] avfilter/snull, strim: Add snull and strim filters softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 23/25] avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API softworkz
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 24/25] fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based subtitle encoding softworkz
2022-06-25 11:34           ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-06-25 11:42             ` Andreas Rheinhardt
2022-06-25 12:31               ` Soft Works
2022-06-25 13:00                 ` Andreas Rheinhardt
2022-06-26 16:27                   ` Soft Works
2022-06-25  9:57         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 25/25] avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution softworkz
2022-06-26 16:34         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 00/25] Subtitle Filtering 2022 ffmpegagent
2022-06-26 16:34           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 01/25] avcodec, avutil: Move enum AVSubtitleType to avutil, add new and deprecate old values softworkz
2022-06-26 16:34           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 02/25] avutil/frame: Prepare AVFrame for subtitle handling softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 03/25] avcodec/subtitles: Introduce new frame-based subtitle decoding API softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 04/25] avcodec/libzvbi: set subtitle type softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 05/25] avfilter/subtitles: Update vf_subtitles to use new decoding api softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 06/25] avcodec, avutil: Move ass helper functions to avutil as avpriv_ and extend ass dialog parsing softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 07/25] avcodec/subtitles: Replace deprecated enum values softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 08/25] fftools/play, probe: Adjust for subtitle changes softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 09/25] avfilter/subtitles: Add subtitles.c for subtitle frame allocation softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 10/25] avfilter/avfilter: Handle subtitle frames softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 11/25] avfilter/avfilter: Fix hardcoded input index softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 12/25] avfilter/sbuffer: Add sbuffersrc and sbuffersink filters softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 13/25] avfilter/overlaygraphicsubs: Add overlaygraphicsubs and graphicsub2video filters softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 14/25] avfilter/overlaytextsubs: Add overlaytextsubs and textsubs2video filters softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 15/25] avfilter/textmod: Add textmod, censor and show_speaker filters softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 16/25] avfilter/stripstyles: Add stripstyles filter softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 17/25] avfilter/splitcc: Add splitcc filter for closed caption handling softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 18/25] avfilter/graphicsub2text: Add new graphicsub2text filter (OCR) softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 19/25] avfilter/subscale: Add filter for scaling and/or re-arranging graphical subtitles softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 20/25] avfilter/subfeed: add subtitle feed filter softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 21/25] avfilter/text2graphicsub: Added text2graphicsub subtitle filter softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 22/25] avfilter/snull, strim: Add snull and strim filters softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 23/25] avcodec/subtitles: Migrate subtitle encoders to frame-based API softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 24/25] fftools/ffmpeg: Introduce subtitle filtering and new frame-based subtitle encoding softworkz
2022-06-26 16:35           ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 25/25] avcodec/dvbsubdec: Fix conditions for fallback to default resolution softworkz
2022-07-02 16:39         ` [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v5 00/25] Subtitle Filtering 2022 Paul B Mahol
2022-07-02 17:18           ` Nicolas George
2022-07-02 17:27             ` Paul B Mahol
2022-07-02 17:26               ` Nicolas George
2022-07-02 19:11             ` Soft Works
2022-07-02 19:17               ` Nicolas George
2022-07-02 19:21                 ` Soft Works
2022-07-02 19:29                 ` Soft Works
2022-07-02 19:36                   ` Nicolas George
2022-07-02 20:32                     ` Soft Works
2022-07-02 20:40                       ` Paul B Mahol
2022-07-02 20:50                         ` Soft Works
2022-07-03  7:58                         ` Jean-Baptiste Kempf
2022-07-03 10:42                           ` Paul B Mahol
2022-07-04  8:45                             ` Jean-Baptiste Kempf
2022-07-02 21:10                 ` Matt Zagrabelny
2022-07-02 21:22                   ` Nicolas George
2022-07-02 21:27                     ` Paul B Mahol
2022-07-02 21:45                     ` Matt Zagrabelny
2022-07-02 22:16                       ` Nicolas George
2022-07-03 17:07             ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-07-03 17:25               ` Paul B Mahol
2022-07-24 15:10               ` Nicolas George
2022-07-24 18:38                 ` Soft Works
2022-07-24 19:21                 ` Soft Works
2022-07-25  6:44                 ` Ronald S. Bultje
2022-07-25 17:44                   ` Nicolas George
2022-07-25 11:32                 ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-07-25 19:01                   ` Nicolas George
2022-07-25 19:39                     ` Michael Niedermayer
2022-07-02 19:03           ` Soft Works
2022-08-11 22:50         ` Soft Works
2022-08-21  9:41           ` Paul B Mahol
2022-08-21  9:51             ` Nicolas George
2022-08-21 10:41             ` Jean-Baptiste Kempf
2022-08-22 12:18               ` Anton Khirnov
2022-08-22 14:38                 ` Jean-Baptiste Kempf
2022-08-24 22:19                   ` Soft Works
2022-08-26 20:47                   ` Anton Khirnov
2022-08-26 22:48                     ` Soft Works
2022-08-31  1:39                     ` Anton Khirnov
2022-08-31  4:02                       ` Soft Works
2022-09-20 14:30                         ` Soft Works
2022-11-14 11:10                         ` Soft Works
2022-10-10 11:08                       ` Soft Works
2022-08-22 22:08                 ` Soft Works
2022-08-22 23:08                   ` Soft Works

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using any one of the following methods:

* Save the following mbox file, import it into your mail client,
  and reply-to-all from there: mbox

  Avoid top-posting and favor interleaved quoting:

* Reply using the --to, --cc, and --in-reply-to
  switches of git-send-email(1):

  git send-email \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

* If your mail client supports setting the In-Reply-To header
  via mailto: links, try the mailto: link

Git Inbox Mirror of the ffmpeg-devel mailing list - see

This inbox may be cloned and mirrored by anyone:

	git clone --mirror ffmpegdev/git/0.git

	# If you have public-inbox 1.1+ installed, you may
	# initialize and index your mirror using the following commands:
	public-inbox-init -V2 ffmpegdev ffmpegdev/ \
	public-inbox-index ffmpegdev

Example config snippet for mirrors.

AGPL code for this site: git clone