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From: "Tomas Härdin" <>
To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <>
Subject: Re: [FFmpeg-devel] [PATCH v6 1/2] libavcodec: Added DFPWM1a codec
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2022 11:02:57 +0100
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>

[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 2489 bytes --]

mån 2022-03-07 klockan 22:04 -0500 skrev Jack Bruienne:
> On 3/7/22 06:03, Tomas Härdin wrote:
> > tor 2022-03-03 klockan 10:44 -0500 skrev Jack Bruienne:
> > >   From the wiki page (
> > > > DFPWM (Dynamic Filter Pulse Width Modulation) is an audio codec
> > > > created by Ben “GreaseMonkey” Russell in 2012, originally to be
> > > > used
> > > > as a voice codec for asiekierka's pixmess, a C remake of
> > > > 64pixels.
> > > > It is a 1-bit-per-sample codec which uses a dynamic-strength
> > > > one-
> > > > pole
> > > > low-pass filter as a predictor. Due to the fact that a raw
> > > > DPFWM
> > > > decoding
> > > > creates a high-pitched whine, it is often followed by some
> > > > post-
> > > > processing
> > > > filters to make the stream more listenable.
> > This sounds similar to something I wrote for the Atari 2600 a
> > number of
> > years ago (  )
> > 
> > I found an encoder online for DFPWM, and it seems to suffer from
> > the
> > same "beeping" that my debeeping hack fixes (suppressing 0xAA and
> > 0x55
> > bytes). Perhaps a similar hack could be useful in dfpwmenc.c
> I'm curious how this works. Do you just cut out those bytes from the
> encoder output, or is it modified in some way? Wouldn't removing the
> data entirely eventually cause much of the audio to be lost?

The source code is included in the release. Look at audioquant.cpp.
I've attached it for convenience. The codec is based on a state machine
where each state is a 5-bit PCM value that can go to either of two
states, also 5-bit PCM values. Hence 1 bit per sample. I also have a
low-pass filter in the decoder.

I penalize state machines which result in 0x55 and 0xAA being overly
represented. This is done via computing a histogram of the output bytes
and scaling the RMS error according to how many of those bytes are in
the (tentative) output.

Another approach could be to detect and blank excessive runs of 0x55
and 0xAA bytes.

> >  From experience it's usually better to be strict when it comes to
> > stuff
> > like this. The ComputerCraft people should work out a standard for
> > this, preferably a container. We've had a similar problem in FreeDV
> > where which codec was being used was implicit most of the time,
> > which
> > has been resolved with the .c2 format.
> I think the best standardized container for DFPWM will be WAV.

I agree, and I see this was already pushed.


[-- Attachment #2: audioquant.cpp --]
[-- Type: text/x-c++src, Size: 9402 bytes --]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

typedef short sample_t;
typedef int64_t err_t;

static vector<int16_t> samples;
static int rate;

#define DESIRED_RMS    20000    //can be tweaked slightly for better utilization of dynamic range depending on material
#define BPS    1
#define DELTA 10            //try table values +- this every pass
                            //higher values = more exhaustive search
#define PRESHAPE
//#define POSTSHAPE
//#define VERBOSE

static void normalize(sample_t *data, int n) {
    float rms = 0;
    int x;

    for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
        rms += data[x]*data[x];

    rms = sqrtf(rms / n);
    fprintf(stderr, "RMS amplitude prior to normalization: %f\n", rms);

    for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
        int value = data[x] * DESIRED_RMS / rms;
        if (value < -32768) value = -32768;
        if (value > 32767)  value = 32767;
        data[x] = value;

static void quantize(const sample_t *input, sample_t *output, int n) {
    int x, y, last_error = 0;
    int counts[31][31];
    memset(counts, 0, sizeof(counts));

    for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
        //shape using feedback. not sure how correct this is,
        //but quiet parts appear to receive less noise
        output[x] = ((input[x] + 3 * last_error / 4) / 2048) + 15;
        output[x] = (input[x] / 2048) + 15;

        if (output[x] < 0)
            output[x] = 0;
        if (output[x] >= 31)
            output[x] = 30;

        last_error = (output[x] - 15) * 2048 - input[x];

        if (x > 0)

    for (y = 0; y < 31; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < 31; x++)
            fprintf(stderr, "%3i ", counts[y][x]);
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

//table is k*31 entries, where k=2^N
static err_t table_adpcm_work(sample_t *data, int n, int *table, int k, int do_output, unsigned char *bits) {
    int x, last = 15, last_error = 0;
    err_t ret = 0;
    int hist[256] = {0};
    float factor;
    int byte = 0;

    for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
        int y;
        int best, best_error, best_value;

        for (y = 0; y < k; y++) {
            int value = table[y + last*k];
            int error;

            //again, may not be entirely correct,
            //but the output sounds roughly right
            error = value - data[x] - last_error / 2;
            error = value - data[x];
            error *= error;

            if (y == 0 || error < best_error) {
                best = y;
                best_error = error;
                best_value = value;

        last_error = best_value - data[x];
        last = best_value;
        ret += best_error;

        if ((x & 7) == 0)
            byte = 0;
        byte |= best << (x & 7);
        if ((x & 7) == 7)

        if (do_output) {
            data[x] = best_value;

            //NOTE: Only supports k == 2 (1-bit) properly atm
            if (bits && best)
                bits[x >> 3] |= 1 << (x & 7);

    /* expect x/8/256 of each 0x55 and 0aAA */
    factor = (hist[0x55] + hist[0xAA]) / (float)(n/8/128);
    factor -= 9;
    if (factor < 1)
        factor = 1;
    //fprintf(stderr, "factor = %.2f\tn = %i\n", factor, n);

    return ret * factor;

static void decode_to_samples(int *table, unsigned char *bits, int bytes) {
    int last = 15, x;

    for (x = 0; x < bytes*8; x++)
        samples.push_back(((last = table[(last << 1) | ((bits[x >> 3] >> (x & 7)) & 1)]) - 15) * 2048);

static void table_adpcm(sample_t *data, int n, int bps, int *best_table, unsigned char *bits, int entries, int k) {
    int x, y;
    int *table = (int*)malloc(entries*sizeof(int));
    err_t e, ebest;
    int pass, changes;

    //speed up processing by only looking at the first tenth of the file
    //this seems to work well enough
    int n2 = n;

    //initialize table with reasonable values
    for (y = 0; y < 31; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < k; x++) {
            if (bps == 1)
                table[x + y*k] = y + 7*(x - k/2) + 4;
                table[x + y*k] = y + 3*(x - k/2) + 3;

            if (table[x + y*k] < 0)  table[x + y*k] = 0;
            if (table[x + y*k] > 30) table[x + y*k] = 30;

    ebest = table_adpcm_work(data, n2, table, k, 0, NULL);
    memcpy(best_table, table, entries*sizeof(int));

    fprintf(stderr, "initial error: %li\n", ebest);
    fprintf(stderr, "initial rms: %.2f\n", sqrtf((float)ebest/n2));

    changes = 1;
    for (pass = 1; changes; pass++) {
        changes = 0;

        for (y = 0; y < entries; y++) {
            int delta = DELTA;
            int min = best_table[y] - delta, max = best_table[y] + delta;
            memcpy(table, best_table, entries*sizeof(int));

#ifdef VERBOSE
            fprintf(stderr, "table[% 4i/% 4i] = % 3i\n", y, entries, best_table[y]);

            if (min < 0)
                min = 0;
            if (max > 30)    //31 isn't a legal value
                max = 30;

            for (x = min; x < max; x++) {
                table[y] = x;
                e = table_adpcm_work(data, n2, table, k, 0, NULL);

                if (e < ebest) {
                    float rms = sqrtf((float)ebest/n2);
                    memcpy(best_table, table, entries*sizeof(int));
                    ebest = e;

#ifdef VERBOSE
                    fprintf(stderr, "                -> % 3i -> %li ", x, ebest);
                    //for some reason printf()ing rms above doesn't work..
                    fprintf(stderr, "(%.2f)\n", rms);

        fprintf(stderr, "pass %i: %i changes, rms = %.2f\n", pass, changes, sqrtf((float)ebest/n2));

    e = table_adpcm_work(data, n, best_table, k, 1, bits);
    fprintf(stderr, "final rms: %.2f\n", sqrtf((float)e/n));


#define BOOT    26
#define HARMONY 900 //space needed for Harmony's F4 driver. would be available on a real F4 cart
#define EFFECTS 100
#define IMAGE   1536

//<= 4 KiB per page, we need space for the player
static int pagesizes[8] = {
    3920 - EFFECTS,
    3920 - EFFECTS,
    3920 - EFFECTS,
    3920 - EFFECTS,
    3920 - EFFECTS,
    3920 - EFFECTS,
    3919 - EFFECTS,

static void write_l32(FILE *f, uint32_t a) {
    putc(a, f);
    putc(a>>8, f);
    putc(a>>16, f);
    putc(a>>24, f);

static void write_wav() {
    fprintf(stderr, "Writing %li samples to output.wav\n", samples.size());

    FILE *wav = fopen("output.wav", "wb");
    fprintf(wav, "RIFF");
    write_l32(wav, samples.size()*2 + 36);
    fprintf(wav, "WAVEfmt ");
    write_l32(wav, 16);
    write_l32(wav, 0x00010001);
    write_l32(wav, rate);
    write_l32(wav, rate*2);
    write_l32(wav, 0x00100002);
    fprintf(wav, "data");
    write_l32(wav, samples.size()*2);
    fwrite(&samples[0], samples.size()*2, 1, wav);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    FILE *f;
    unsigned char header[44];
    int size, samples;
    sample_t *input, *output;
    int bps;
    uint8_t pagedata[8][4096];
    int x, ofs, bytes, k, entries, iter;
    int *best_table;
    unsigned char *bits;

    if (!(f = fopen(argv[1], "rb")))
        return 1;

    fread(header, 44, 1, f);
    rate = *(int*)&header[24];
    size = *(int*)&header[40];

    /* HACK: don't change output just because pagesizes change */
    samples = 237136;

    fprintf(stderr, "length: %.2f seconds\n", (float)samples / rate);

    if (size / 2 > samples)
        samples = size / 2;

    fprintf(stderr, "rate: %i\n", rate);
    fprintf(stderr, "size: %i = %i samples = %f seconds\n", size, samples, (float)samples/rate);

    input  = (sample_t*)malloc(samples*sizeof(sample_t));
    memset(input, 0, samples*2);
    output = (sample_t*)malloc(samples*sizeof(sample_t));
    memset(output, 0, samples*2);

    fread(input, size, 1, f);

    bps = BPS;
    k = 1 << bps;
    entries = 31 * k;
    bytes = (samples + 7) / 8;
    best_table = (int*)malloc(entries*sizeof(int));
    bits = (unsigned char*)malloc(bytes);
    memset(bits, 0, bytes);

    normalize(input, samples);
    quantize(input, output, samples);

    table_adpcm(output, samples, bps, best_table, bits, entries, k);

    for (iter = ofs = 0; iter < 8; iter++) {
        int bytes = pagesizes[iter];

        printf("\tMAC TABLE%i\n", iter);
        printf("\t;%i entries\n", entries);
        printf("\t;%i bits per sample\n", bps);
        printf("ADPCMTable%i\n", iter);
        for (x = 0; x < entries; x++)
            printf("\t.byte %i\n", best_table[x]);

        printf("\tMAC SAMPLES%i\n", iter);
        printf("SampleData%i\t;%i bytes\n", iter, bytes);

        for (x = ofs; x < ofs+bytes; x++)
            printf("\t.byte %i\n", bits[x]);

        printf("SampleEnd%i\n", iter);

        ofs += bytes;

    decode_to_samples(best_table, bits, bytes);

    fprintf(stderr, "encoded size: %.2f KiB (%i bps)\n", (samples * bps) / 8192.f, bps);


    return 0;

[-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 251 bytes --]

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Thread overview: 5+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2022-03-03 15:44 Jack Bruienne
2022-03-07 11:03 ` Tomas Härdin
2022-03-08  3:04   ` Jack Bruienne
2022-03-14 10:02     ` Tomas Härdin [this message]
2022-03-15  8:48 ` Anton Khirnov

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