Hi all, We are Qt (www.qt.io), a global software company with a strong presence in more than 70 industries and is the leading independent technology behind 1+ billion devices and applications. Now we are working on integrating the FFmpeg library into our Multimedia module as one of the possible backends. Android is one of our target platforms, and we now face the issue of lacking Hardware Acceleration for Encoding for Android. We are evaluating the possibility of hiring a consulting service to implement the Mediacodec Hardware encoder in FFmpeg. So we would like to know if any developer would be interested in taking on this consulting project. Regards, Samuel Mira Senior Software Developer The Qt Company Tutkijantie 4C FI-90590 Oulu Finland samuel.mira@qt.io www.qt.io [signature_1385223811] [signature_2378664325] [signature_2256736393] [signature_2852832549] [signature_228390225]