Hello, I am using FFmpeg for concatenating videos, images, background images, and set background audio. I have done all things and it's working on my system but while I am using the same command on another system and on the server, it's showing me stream related error. Can you please help me with this issue? I've attached a screenshot of the error message which I'm getting. Also please find below the command which I am trying to run in my windows system "ffmpeg -i files\167100350475.mp4 -loop 1 -framerate 24 -t 10 -i files\167100350486.jpg -i files\167100350422.mp4 -t 10 -i files\16710035042.mp3 -filter_complex "[0]scale=432:432,setsar=1[vid0];[1]scale=432:432,setsar=1[img1];[2]scale=432:432,setsar=1[vid2];[vid0][0][img1][3][vid2][2]concat=n=3:v=1:a=1" 20221214073824lastvideo.mp4" Also please find attached a screenshot of my ffmpeg version and configuration details. Please if any once can help me with this it will be big help. Thanks & Regards Sagar Upadhyay *Abbacus Technologies* Skype: live:.cid.15b5ae379d6c78b7 UK: +44 207 193 3428 <+442071933428> | US: +1 201 204 9318 <+12012049318> IND: +91 79 400 500 60 <+917940050060> WEB