Thanks for the reply. On 2024-07-09 02:16, Gnattu OC via ffmpeg-devel wrote: > Well the code introduced is to fix certain HDR related bugs and it does not "works perfectly” before, it was just broken. I was rather talking about being able to compile it. I can compile ffmpeg without videotoolbox for older deployment targets without any issues. It is great to fix videotoolbox, but is it required to use functions/methods that are only available in newer OS? All the other libraries and ffmpeg itself can fix bugs without using functions that are not available on "older" systems. If you say it isn't possible, then all is good. I am not asking anyone to make the impossible possible. I am just trying to understaand why videotoolbox is raising the minimum deploymewnt target all the time, while this is not necessary for anything else. Don't get me wrong, I am compiling ffmpeg with around 50 3rd party libraries. None of them requires me to raise the deployment target. > so that it should at least compile on older OS targets. > But the end result is that the colorspace is as wrong as before, an older version cannot receive the fix to set the correct colorspace. > > For this use case I could see that using the (now deprecated) `CVBufferGetAttachments` instead on older OS, but I cannot really test that because I don’t have device running that old version. FYI. I am also compiling on the most recent macOS release but I set the deployment target via env var: export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.13 -- regards Helmut K. C. Tessarek KeyID 0x172380A011EF4944 Key fingerprint = 8A55 70C1 BD85 D34E ADBC 386C 1723 80A0 11EF 4944 /* Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for chaos and madness await thee at its end. */