Hi Kieran On Tue, Mar 04, 2025 at 08:13:11AM -0600, Kieran Kunhya via ffmpeg-devel wrote: [...] > Hi Michael, > > Was all the STF discussion around the first application done in public? No, jb contacted STF in the name of FFmpeg without any public discussion. This crossed STFs own reaching out to FFmpeg. Which is how it was noticed The mail below is from STF to jb. After that i immedeatly asked both thilo and jb to talk with each other. I also repeatedly asked for the STF stuff to be made public. I quote a rather sarcastic example from me (in german) asking thilo at the end of this mail So again, we need more open communication, more forgiveness, more working together and less distrust, some virtual hugs and smiles From: Tara Tarakiyee To: jb@X Cc: "Fiona Krakenbürger" , Abigail Garner Subject: Regarding Your STF Application Date: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 22:22 Dear Jean-Baptiste Kempf, Thank you for your application to the Sovereign Tech Fund. We appreciate the interest, but have a few questions about the timing of this application. We have already reached out to ffmpeg maintainers through our scouting process and gotten a response and arranged a call. We explained how our funding works and asked that they go back to the ffmpeg maintainer community and come back to us with a joint proposal that is agreed upon by your existing governance structure. Given the timing of your proposal, are we to infer that you knew about those conversations yet choose to apply independently? We much prefer to have one process ongoing at the time, so we ask that you refer back to that conversation and include your work there and we will continue considering our support for ffmpeg through our scouting. If that is not possible for some reason, please let us know. Please keep in mind that our mission at STF is to empower FOSS infrastructure, so we support activities to improve security and maintenance, but very rarely support new feature development, except when there is a strong case for them in the public interest. Also it is important for us that any supported work has the support of the maintainer community. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best wishes, Tara Tarakiyee Sovereign Tech Fund https://sovereigntechfund.de/ SPRIND GmbH BUNDESAGENTUR FÜR SPRUNGINNOVATIONEN Lagerhofstraße 4 04103 Leipzig Geschäftsführung: Berit Dannenberg, Rafael Laguna de la Vera Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr.-Ing. E. h. Peter Leibinger Amtsgericht Leipzig – HRB 36977 – USt-ID DE328253854 Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2023 18:37:13 +0200 From: Michael Niedermayer To: Thilo Borgmann Subject: Re: FFmpeg development support > Michael, er hat bereits versucht, das alles im Dunkeln abzuwickeln. Er hat bereits einen Antrag eingereicht, den er _nicht_ geteilt hat und auch auf Nachfrage _nicht_ teilt. Nur dummerweise hat er uns von der Sache an sich erzählt und dummerweise, ist ihm das auf die Füße gefallen. > Es gibt einen Grund, warum er darüber auch immernoch nicht redet, Michael. Warum denkst du, steht in seiner Mail nur "Habt ihr davon gehört?" ?... Thilo dein Antrag ist public auf der mailing liste (und wiki) ? nein? wenn nein dann was ist es dunkles was du planst ? [...] -- Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB The real ebay dictionary, page 2 "100% positive feedback" - "All either got their money back or didnt complain" "Best seller ever, very honest" - "Seller refunded buyer after failed scam"