Hi jb On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 12:11:39AM +0100, Jean-Baptiste Kempf wrote: > On Wed, 26 Feb 2025, at 02:51, Michael Niedermayer wrote: [...] > > 2. The CC is overstepping its authority. > > Literally, the email just says that the CC is now meeting regularly; what authority can it be overstepping? > People speaking together and meeting is now forbidden? "The Community Committee (CC) is here to arbitrage and make decisions when inter-personal conflicts occur in the project. It will decide quickly and take actions, for the sake of the project." There are NO inter-personal conflicts ATM (very luckily everyone was happy UNTIL the CC initiates conflicts) The mail said: "Starting this week, we will hold a weekly internal panel to discuss community matters and ensure more structured issue resolution. One of our key goals is to address some of the lingering discussions from 2024 while laying a strong foundation for the future." discussion about structured issue resolution in FFmpeg are a matter of the whole community and not the CC. "laying a strong foundation for the future. (of FFmpeg)" is not something a panel of 3 people who have never been elected for that can do behind closed doors I want to be part of these discussions for example. Iam one of the main authors. And iam sure others also want to be part of these discussions The last such closed door discussion, was VDD2024 and after that we had months of defamation and mobbing. > > > 3. About "internal panel", There should not be a "internal panel" dominated > > CC was elected by GA. GA is composed of most of the active developers. This is not a random internal panel. An election that was delayed by the vote superviser until a specific person joined. Then 2 resigned And now its not even publically known how many members this CC has. thx [...] -- Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB Does the universe only have a finite lifespan? No, its going to go on forever, its just that you wont like living in it. -- Hiranya Peiri