Hi On Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 03:00:17PM +0000, Kieran Kunhya via ffmpeg-devel wrote: [...] > Error recovery protocols are complicated - everything is complicated > this project lacks > experience in them The project is made of many developers, and several of them do have experience in protocols and also error correction Just about myself, i have written a teletext decoder that used raw 8bit data over 20 years ago and it was more robust than TV sets I recently as part of the SDR work wrote a RDS decoder, which also worked better than the decoders i compared it to. Its less than 300 lines of code and certainly can be improved alot but there is nothing magic along the lines you suggest here. RDS needs both demodulation and error correction Also i have written a reed solomon decoder based on my own algorithm that had better asymptotic speed than what i could find at the time. > > I have no issue with it being marked experimental. > But the idea of > incremental improvement is false. You have experience with mpeg FEC and other protocols but you mix your practical experience with ridiculous claims > Error recovery implementations > require careful design from the outset with numerous heuristics > needed. Can you please stop this "my way or no way" You can design things first then implement them you can evolutionary write code you can do it incrementally you can write a implementation learn from it discard it and write a 2nd one based on lessons lerned and there are probably hundreads of other paradigms along which you can implement something For some people one way works better than others. For someone else another might work better Someone might enjoy writing, tuning and testing heuristics. Another might have a strong background in probability and statistics and they might design a model about all the restarts and damages and implement an optimal solution for teh model with no heuristics. At that level they can then even tune that model for the particular source of packets and everything adapts to be optimal for that then as there are no or few hardcoded heuristics. Noone ever did that before maybe, ok, but doesnt mean it cannot be done I dont like how you talk down on others, as if what you did is the only way things can be done. thx [...] -- Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB Those who are best at talking, realize last or never when they are wrong.