From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 65A334A22B for ; Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:20:39 +0000 (UTC) Received: from [] (localhost []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F02AE68D62F; Mon, 24 Jun 2024 09:20:33 +0300 (EEST) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id D339568D627 for ; Mon, 24 Jun 2024 09:20:27 +0300 (EEST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=gIrLhD01yWJuhDgpa9XwB5D5044LMowrrqb/YCjTQXESDt3ixEfBqp5lpauOBnz+kDSdD6cs8QVUhOZ9IfV+wqUMh6EoCDbeJrWg3bES+a0kpibY8SdEGy9XZeNgArnzJQB43m9zlexNmwmmJVb9D0hqzihkMYHoWnNkpTnu5OJpFu5KQI0VUXYmVM1mu0tbMw091S5RpHwrFpuOnlL4pZys4zchkVROU3PV40lXfBkB1SzHXeDCbLwWeVKYzMQp/jdgbtXXYKXYf6hh9FkFBSaZjhjv+OpLeYSQXC0CIFl4lcn6+fgZOI4lyjKyxEqx81czLy1NrhELRsGJB4e/8w== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=p0y/rgE2Tk6id6l2uoUBMe8ZiUHAajZbHy3NeDx9cc4=; b=ofisuuckVv+pyhGRrzTkgGsoAGoTabfbaAL2Z7unK5so3XCILPxz0G2gjXH2yCFf/Q2HRLe8/gAYdVcDznehB6PhMgJ6VrS8cMUxpp+6meawUcZ/VkZxbIFrGqrF75UpGOT5V6Ydv2DoMVesKdXmOvgelU6I8DSobgwfAGr3LG56ynpPOeJBJGkeeA4JZ/y4PrEf5wD8M+P5CHKSfsyZPaoaJq5KoN7WhRHdNgoteJtnR2622ESao3NWikA72XNqjJnC//1b7WeWmkyJgK9HR6EsDjdYxVUCn10x2cX6RHHE6SYSrv88QPeOA9D6RYHOIL1An7b7yexN0UdUan1PNA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-takushoku-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=p0y/rgE2Tk6id6l2uoUBMe8ZiUHAajZbHy3NeDx9cc4=; b=RGFXcY8RFOn2X8U2QTnxOkF+6euKHnbA9y/06nvxKiOtP0hulm4haDUodCDLCB9KjPejJhtp36vJjfRrzKku9YxOdjbM2qcKQDJ5TFM0LfBbSjzpqxyCJbQ3/ZXXRH39UDii3BcPmQL2y1/p7tHNwZOsNH2ok7RgKxW7rzhoY8U= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:1096:604:b7::12) by (2603:1096:604:1c7::11) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7698.28; Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:20:20 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::181c:c1f4:9b58:f6cc]) by ([fe80::181c:c1f4:9b58:f6cc%6]) with mapi id 15.20.7698.025; Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:20:20 +0000 From: Osamu Watanabe To: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 15:19:47 +0900 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:403:a::29) To (2603:1096:604:b7::12) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: OS0PR01MB6001:EE_|OS3PR01MB9317:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 5302df23-5bd7-4ea0-f4d3-08dc9415b874 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; ARA:13230037|376011|41320700010|366013|52116011|1800799021|38350700011; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: =?us-ascii?Q?zcGtE8Rs6nvxQ+Y5nFTjmM2PSzMEpX9NJZd7N5M5EraAeg8fKkvNMUHj+DEN?= =?us-ascii?Q?G4d/H69iryy2C3JWYvTUoG0Ab8n5TaGEhyoxaIZ7VwAKsegwXK3Knv7GYm6r?= =?us-ascii?Q?YUdNrRUUP3m9N4zfpU7acNLuPF8sR990ZmM0HBZFuQFIQYS1HDybO3rADtsh?= =?us-ascii?Q?waJlCMbPYN+WfW7Rs4+ZE/WSJxfHs1VMvSPdtM9ElgbKaucee7duGSWB7m8x?= =?us-ascii?Q?42P4EKNKOUCoHrLH9LBb8ksx3QYfkefleCx32jC/o56rpVkVO9uEQ819LO6W?= =?us-ascii?Q?7fpizuOoRbnaSAK6dvVv6+qw0UuZqF7J/0zw2BW5fOdcQBCXF0xy8kvHtiXb?= =?us-ascii?Q?IzT9EMQpPanR2xTWCmdov0BoOE9DDUhcqyV1vT+kGbU4laxAUuXWYJVwvOmD?= =?us-ascii?Q?luaPvyMl4MKzZRwIQ+AF5AsoZ1AjfYK9mDiJ9/WMYjruH3Sefuwp/XXkeqZU?= =?us-ascii?Q?vqbTuh3wzOwRS0peFuwkt4BGJl8jT2l1L0onrD9ZWofnA30vZyJDdu04AdTd?= =?us-ascii?Q?vY77+iH6vBXAiV+/NbyL7dY6H2BC+zNG4Tr6iKIYfRIIAiwC0RFMIvhfQ/fi?= =?us-ascii?Q?gzaMOYFKnZka2HkaI+7o9k5DekQxaixcRbml7rOVkp1LdkS/27IvWnEtVRrH?= =?us-ascii?Q?dQuNN1U6NXE00Aw6bXaYAU4lpFdqQldKH5rTViP8Zb7wfR62JFQji7QiMc+E?= =?us-ascii?Q?1lNbtTls3kx20lJJxb62UceXaJHeE6QMyCBHaqvAKVXigYsmUXyNVuBXJPVn?= =?us-ascii?Q?3bfzVj5re9UEkRCINyIjNixXZV0oDBIXGXjvU2DG+b7t8hjq0GMSZQuGc2NL?= =?us-ascii?Q?os4FCF5TDt98T6kdyEANvGADXB8U+rO9cKxeYIZRqKllesmEf89faG9RlXJ+?= =?us-ascii?Q?1zX1+BiRrsiYYgXQ4Ht8CjUYe0+fKgQYz/7C6S2nDxQcK/jCwEq1oCiGdPnq?= =?us-ascii?Q?8WTqg+0kMH7HXytKmdJ3gqgZyJjEIpztmr/K440qAwxqkura3yvjBfVNWppF?= =?us-ascii?Q?dOn1NrPpnkRhSVcJzPesx77smdCufCfuuZBh5QPwD4AqkXlY8blGh87BvMTk?= =?us-ascii?Q?6sYAeO8heEdwWOYYTnkQfQPAxA/5tHP9Ke1rGBRqV7h2KV5Web5zmOT614l6?= =?us-ascii?Q?8XART4oWBjMHS/9cU/zPQfxzs2/6Fvf7/Bqho+7QYu8owXbqitnCqKAtwKae?= =?us-ascii?Q?nipfc3MosZEUn61YL2uOgliNAPvkyruanrNqDafSt6+IyPt/fQU4WlEbNnWx?= =?us-ascii?Q?NUxinE8L7KejbgE9BlqMnR0c7rLrwArpL9mMO57ty5RSPDJYfJKc6au/ROTj?= =?us-ascii?Q?x/YDAY1PDscwHXitOewAIQbMlDezAUqBvwg5x8Jc62b7nXhd66o2lr6egpiE?= =?us-ascii?Q?MHVO7EM=3D?= X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; 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charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Errors-To: Sender: "ffmpeg-devel" Archived-At: List-Archive: List-Post: This commit fixes wrong treatment of MAGBP value in Ccap15 and bugs in HT block decoding. Signed-off-by: Osamu Watanabe --- libavcodec/jpeg2000dec.c | 79 +++++++------- libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.c | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------- libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.h | 2 +- 3 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-) diff --git a/libavcodec/jpeg2000dec.c b/libavcodec/jpeg2000dec.c index 60756db05c..83cd5dbc7c 100644 --- a/libavcodec/jpeg2000dec.c +++ b/libavcodec/jpeg2000dec.c @@ -391,6 +391,9 @@ static int get_siz(Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s) } else if (ncomponents == 1 && s->precision == 8) { s->avctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY8; i = 0; + } else if (ncomponents == 1 && s->precision == 12) { + s->avctx->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_GRAY16LE; + i = 0; } } @@ -1179,15 +1182,15 @@ static int jpeg2000_decode_packet(Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile *tile, incl = tag_tree_decode(s, prec->cblkincl + cblkno, layno + 1) == layno; if (incl) { - int zbp = tag_tree_decode(s, prec->zerobits + cblkno, 100); + int zbp = tag_tree_decode(s, prec->zerobits + cblkno, 100); int v = expn[bandno] + numgbits - 1 - (zbp - tile->comp->roi_shift); - if (v < 0 || v > 30) { - av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, - "nonzerobits %d invalid or unsupported\n", v); - return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; - } + if (v < 0 || v > 30) { + av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, + "nonzerobits %d invalid or unsupported\n", v); + return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; + } cblk->incl = 1; - cblk->nonzerobits = v; + cblk->nonzerobits = v; cblk->zbp = zbp; cblk->lblock = 3; } @@ -1206,45 +1209,45 @@ static int jpeg2000_decode_packet(Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile *tile, int32_t newpasses_copy, npasses_copy; if ((newpasses = getnpasses(s)) <= 0) - return newpasses; - if (cblk->npasses + newpasses >= JPEG2000_MAX_PASSES) { - avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, "Too many passes"); - return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; - } - if ((llen = getlblockinc(s)) < 0) - return llen; - if (cblk->lblock + llen + av_log2(newpasses) > 16) { - avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, - "Block with length beyond 16 bits"); - return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; - } - cblk->nb_lengthinc = 0; - cblk->nb_terminationsinc = 0; - av_free(cblk->lengthinc); - cblk->lengthinc = av_calloc(newpasses, sizeof(*cblk->lengthinc)); - if (!cblk->lengthinc) - return AVERROR(ENOMEM); + return newpasses; + if (cblk->npasses + newpasses >= JPEG2000_MAX_PASSES) { + avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, "Too many passes"); + return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; + } + if ((llen = getlblockinc(s)) < 0) + return llen; + if (cblk->lblock + llen + av_log2(newpasses) > 16) { + avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, + "Block with length beyond 16 bits"); + return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; + } + cblk->nb_lengthinc = 0; + cblk->nb_terminationsinc = 0; + av_free(cblk->lengthinc); + cblk->lengthinc = av_calloc(newpasses, sizeof(*cblk->lengthinc)); + if (!cblk->lengthinc) + return AVERROR(ENOMEM); tmp = av_realloc_array(cblk->data_start, cblk->nb_terminations + newpasses + 1, sizeof(*cblk->data_start)); - if (!tmp) - return AVERROR(ENOMEM); - cblk->data_start = tmp; + if (!tmp) + return AVERROR(ENOMEM); + cblk->data_start = tmp; cblk->lblock += llen; // Count number of necessary terminations for non HT code block newpasses_copy = newpasses; npasses_copy = cblk->npasses; if (!(cblk->modes & JPEG2000_CTSY_HTJ2K_F)) { - do { - int newpasses1 = 0; + do { + int newpasses1 = 0; while (newpasses1 < newpasses_copy) { newpasses1++; if (needs_termination(codsty->cblk_style, npasses_copy + newpasses1 - 1)) { cblk->nb_terminationsinc++; - break; - } - } + break; + } + } npasses_copy += newpasses1; newpasses_copy -= newpasses1; } while (newpasses_copy); @@ -1273,7 +1276,7 @@ static int jpeg2000_decode_packet(Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile *tile, av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Length information for a HT-codeblock is invalid\n"); } } - } else { + } else { while (pass_bound <= segment_passes) { bits_to_read++; pass_bound += pass_bound; @@ -2204,7 +2207,7 @@ static inline int tile_codeblocks(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile Jpeg2000Band *band = rlevel->band + bandno; int cblkno = 0, bandpos; /* See Rec. ITU-T T.800, Equation E-2 */ - int magp = quantsty->expn[subbandno] + quantsty->nguardbits - 1; + int M_b = quantsty->expn[subbandno] + quantsty->nguardbits - 1; bandpos = bandno + (reslevelno > 0); @@ -2212,8 +2215,8 @@ static inline int tile_codeblocks(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile band->coord[1][0] == band->coord[1][1]) continue; - if ((codsty->cblk_style & JPEG2000_CTSY_HTJ2K_F) && magp >= 31) { - avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, "JPEG2000_CTSY_HTJ2K_F and magp >= 31"); + if ((codsty->cblk_style & JPEG2000_CTSY_HTJ2K_F) && M_b >= 31) { + avpriv_request_sample(s->avctx, "JPEG2000_CTSY_HTJ2K_F and M_b >= 31"); return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME; } @@ -2234,7 +2237,7 @@ static inline int tile_codeblocks(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000Tile ret = ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(s, codsty, &t1, cblk, cblk->coord[0][1] - cblk->coord[0][0], cblk->coord[1][1] - cblk->coord[1][0], - magp, comp->roi_shift); + M_b, comp->roi_shift); else ret = decode_cblk(s, codsty, &t1, cblk, cblk->coord[0][1] - cblk->coord[0][0], diff --git a/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.c b/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.c index d5bebe127b..0296792a6a 100644 --- a/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.c +++ b/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.c @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ static void jpeg2000_init_mel(StateVars *s, uint32_t Pcup) static void jpeg2000_init_mag_ref(StateVars *s, uint32_t Lref) { - s->pos = Lref - 2; + s->pos = Lref - 1; s->bits = 0; s->last = 0xFF; s->tmp = 0; @@ -145,9 +145,10 @@ static void jpeg2000_init_mel_decoder(MelDecoderState *mel_state) static int jpeg2000_bitbuf_refill_backwards(StateVars *buffer, const uint8_t *array) { uint64_t tmp = 0; - int32_t position = buffer->pos - 4; uint32_t new_bits = 32; + buffer->last = array[buffer->pos + 1]; + if (buffer->bits_left >= 32) return 0; // enough data, no need to pull in more bits @@ -157,9 +158,24 @@ static int jpeg2000_bitbuf_refill_backwards(StateVars *buffer, const uint8_t *ar * the bottom most bits. */ - for(int i = FFMAX(0, position + 1); i <= buffer->pos + 1; i++) - tmp = 256*tmp + array[i]; - + if (buffer->pos >= 3) { // Common case; we have at least 4 bytes available + tmp = array[buffer->pos - 3]; + tmp = (tmp << 8) | array[buffer->pos - 2]; + tmp = (tmp << 8) | array[buffer->pos - 1]; + tmp = (tmp << 8) | array[buffer->pos]; + tmp = (tmp << 8) | buffer->last; // For stuffing bit detection + buffer->pos -= 4; + } else { + if (buffer->pos >= 2) + tmp = array[buffer->pos - 2]; + if (buffer->pos >= 1) + tmp = (tmp << 8) | array[buffer->pos - 1]; + if (buffer->pos >= 0) + tmp = (tmp << 8) | array[buffer->pos]; + buffer->pos = 0; + tmp = (tmp << 8) | buffer->last; // For stuffing bit detection + } + // Now remove any stuffing bits, shifting things down as we go if ((tmp & 0x7FFF000000) > 0x7F8F000000) { tmp &= 0x7FFFFFFFFF; new_bits--; @@ -176,13 +192,11 @@ static int jpeg2000_bitbuf_refill_backwards(StateVars *buffer, const uint8_t *ar tmp = (tmp & 0x0000007FFF) + ((tmp & 0xFFFFFF0000) >> 1); new_bits--; } - - tmp >>= 8; // Remove temporary byte loaded + tmp >>= 8; // Shifts away the extra byte we imported /* Add bits to the MSB of the bit buffer */ buffer->bit_buf |= tmp << buffer->bits_left; buffer->bits_left += new_bits; - buffer->pos = FFMAX(0, position); return 0; } @@ -406,6 +420,7 @@ static void recover_mag_sgn(StateVars *mag_sgn, uint8_t pos, uint16_t q, int32_t E[n] = 32 - ff_clz(v[pos][i] | 1); mu_n[n] = (v[pos][i] >> 1) + 1; mu_n[n] <<= pLSB; + mu_n[n] |= (1 << (pLSB - 1)); // Add 0.5 (reconstruction parameter = 1/2) mu_n[n] |= ((uint32_t) (v[pos][i] & 1)) << 31; // sign bit. } } @@ -414,7 +429,7 @@ static void recover_mag_sgn(StateVars *mag_sgn, uint8_t pos, uint16_t q, int32_t static int jpeg2000_import_bit(StateVars *stream, const uint8_t *array, uint32_t length) { int cond = stream->pos < length; - int pos = FFMIN(stream->pos, length); + int pos = FFMIN(stream->pos, length - 1); if (stream->bits == 0) { stream->bits = (stream->tmp == 0xFF) ? 7 : 8; stream->pos += cond; @@ -426,14 +441,22 @@ static int jpeg2000_import_bit(StateVars *stream, const uint8_t *array, uint32_t static int jpeg2000_peek_bit(StateVars *stream, const uint8_t *array, uint32_t length) { + uint8_t bit; + if (stream->bits == 0) { - int cond = stream->pos < length; - int pos = FFMIN(stream->pos, length); - stream->bits = (stream->tmp == 0xFF) ? 7 : 8; - stream->pos += cond; - stream->tmp = cond ? array[pos] : 0xFF; + stream->bits = (stream->last == 0xFF) ? 7 : 8; + if (stream->pos < length) { + stream->tmp = array[stream->pos]; + stream->pos++; + } else { + stream->tmp = 0; + } + stream->last = stream->tmp; } - return (stream->tmp >> stream->bits) & 1; + bit = stream->tmp & 1; + stream->tmp >>= 1; + stream->bits--; + return bit; } static int jpeg2000_decode_mel_sym(MelDecoderState *mel_state, @@ -994,66 +1017,63 @@ static void jpeg2000_calc_mbr(uint8_t *mbr, const uint16_t i, const uint16_t j, const uint32_t mbr_info, uint8_t causal_cond, uint8_t *block_states, int stride) { - int local_mbr = 0; - - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states); - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j + 0, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states); - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states); - - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 0, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states); - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 0, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states); - - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) * causal_cond; - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j + 0, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) * causal_cond; - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) * causal_cond; - - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states); - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j + 0, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states); - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i - 1, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states); - - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 0, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i + 0, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states); - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 0, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i + 0, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states); - - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j - 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states) * causal_cond; - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j + 0, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j + 0, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states) * causal_cond; - local_mbr |= jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_REF, block_states) * - jpeg2000_get_state(i + 1, j + 1, stride, HT_SHIFT_SCAN, block_states) * causal_cond; - - *mbr |= local_mbr; + uint8_t *state_p0 = block_states + i * stride + j; + uint8_t *state_p1 = block_states + (i + 1) * stride + j; + uint8_t *state_p2 = block_states + (i + 2) * stride + j; + + uint8_t mbr0 = state_p0[0] | state_p0[1] | state_p0[2]; + uint8_t mbr1 = state_p1[0] | state_p1[2]; + uint8_t mbr2 = state_p2[0] | state_p2[1] | state_p2[2]; + *mbr = mbr0 | mbr1 | (mbr2 & causal_cond); + *mbr |= (mbr0 >> HT_SHIFT_REF) & (mbr0 >> HT_SHIFT_SCAN); + *mbr |= (mbr1 >> HT_SHIFT_REF) & (mbr1 >> HT_SHIFT_SCAN); + *mbr |= (mbr2 >> HT_SHIFT_REF) & (mbr2 >> HT_SHIFT_SCAN) & causal_cond; + *mbr &= 1; } static void jpeg2000_process_stripes_block(StateVars *sig_prop, int i_s, int j_s, int width, int height, int stride, int pLSB, int32_t *sample_buf, uint8_t *block_states, - uint8_t *magref_segment, uint32_t magref_length) + uint8_t *magref_segment, uint32_t magref_length, + uint8_t is_causal) { for (int j = j_s; j < j_s + width; j++) { uint32_t mbr_info = 0; for (int i = i_s; i < i_s + height; i++) { - int modify_state, cond; + int modify_state; uint8_t bit; - uint8_t causal_cond = i != (i_s + height - 1); + uint8_t causal_cond = (is_causal == 0) || (i != (i_s + height - 1)); int32_t *sp = &sample_buf[j + (i * (stride))]; uint8_t mbr = 0; - if (jpeg2000_get_state(i, j, stride - 2, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) == 0) + if (jpeg2000_get_state(i, j, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) == 0) jpeg2000_calc_mbr(&mbr, i, j, mbr_info & 0x1EF, causal_cond, block_states, stride); mbr_info >>= 3; - cond = mbr != 0; - bit = jpeg2000_peek_bit(sig_prop, magref_segment, magref_length); - *sp |= (bit * cond) << pLSB; - sig_prop->bits -= cond; - modify_state = (((1 << HT_SHIFT_REF_IND) | (1 << HT_SHIFT_REF)) * cond) | 1 << HT_SHIFT_SCAN; + + modify_state = block_states[(i + 1) * stride + (j + 1)]; + modify_state |= 1 << HT_SHIFT_SCAN; + if (mbr != 0) { + modify_state |= 1 << HT_SHIFT_REF_IND; + bit = jpeg2000_peek_bit(sig_prop, magref_segment, magref_length); + modify_state |= bit << HT_SHIFT_REF; + *sp |= bit << pLSB; + *sp |= bit << (pLSB - 1); // Add 0.5 (reconstruction parameter = 1/2) + } jpeg2000_modify_state(i, j, stride, modify_state, block_states); } } + // decode sign + for (int j = j_s; j < j_s + width; j++) { + for (int i = i_s; i < i_s + height; i++) { + uint8_t bit; + int32_t *sp = &sample_buf[j + (i * (stride))]; + uint8_t *state_p = block_states + (i + 1) * stride + (j + 1); + if ((state_p[0] >> HT_SHIFT_REF) & 1) { + bit = jpeg2000_peek_bit(sig_prop, magref_segment, magref_length); + *sp |= (int32_t)bit << 31; + } + } + } } /** @@ -1074,6 +1094,7 @@ static void jpeg2000_decode_sigprop_segment(Jpeg2000Cblk *cblk, uint16_t width, int last_width; uint16_t i = 0, j = 0; + uint8_t is_causal = cblk->modes & JPEG2000_CBLK_VSC; jpeg2000_init_zero(&sp_dec); @@ -1082,14 +1103,14 @@ static void jpeg2000_decode_sigprop_segment(Jpeg2000Cblk *cblk, uint16_t width, for (int n2 = 0; n2 < num_h_stripe; n2++) { jpeg2000_process_stripes_block(&sp_dec, i, j, b_width, b_height, stride, pLSB, sample_buf, block_states, magref_segment, - magref_length); + magref_length, is_causal); j += 4; } last_width = width % 4; if (last_width) jpeg2000_process_stripes_block(&sp_dec, i, j, last_width, b_height, stride, pLSB, sample_buf, block_states, magref_segment, - magref_length); + magref_length, is_causal); i += 4; } @@ -1099,20 +1120,20 @@ static void jpeg2000_decode_sigprop_segment(Jpeg2000Cblk *cblk, uint16_t width, for (int n2 = 0; n2 < num_h_stripe; n2++) { jpeg2000_process_stripes_block(&sp_dec, i, j, b_width, b_height, stride, pLSB, sample_buf, block_states, magref_segment, - magref_length); + magref_length, is_causal); j += 4; } last_width = width % 4; if (last_width) jpeg2000_process_stripes_block(&sp_dec, i, j, last_width, b_height, stride, pLSB, sample_buf, block_states, magref_segment, - magref_length); + magref_length, is_causal); } /** * See procedure decodeSigPropMag at Rec. ITU-T T.814, 7.5. */ -static int +static void jpeg2000_decode_magref_segment( uint16_t width, uint16_t block_height, const int stride, uint8_t *magref_segment,uint32_t magref_length, uint8_t pLSB, int32_t *sample_buf, uint8_t *block_states) @@ -1123,7 +1144,8 @@ jpeg2000_decode_magref_segment( uint16_t width, uint16_t block_height, const int uint16_t height = 4; uint16_t i_start = 0; int32_t *sp; - + int32_t bit; + int32_t tmp; jpeg2000_init_mag_ref(&mag_ref, magref_length); for (int n1 = 0; n1 < num_v_stripe; n1++) { @@ -1134,9 +1156,13 @@ jpeg2000_decode_magref_segment( uint16_t width, uint16_t block_height, const int * Rec. ITU-T T.814, Figure 7. */ sp = &sample_buf[j + i * stride]; - if (jpeg2000_get_state(i, j, width, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) != 0) { - jpeg2000_modify_state(i, j, width, 1 << HT_SHIFT_REF_IND, block_states); - *sp |= jpeg2000_import_magref_bit(&mag_ref, magref_segment, magref_length) << pLSB; + if (jpeg2000_get_state(i, j, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) != 0) { + jpeg2000_modify_state(i, j, stride, 1 << HT_SHIFT_REF_IND, block_states); + bit = jpeg2000_import_magref_bit(&mag_ref, magref_segment, magref_length); + tmp = 0xFFFFFFFE | (uint32_t)bit; + tmp <<= pLSB; + sp[0] &= tmp; + sp[0] |= 1 << (pLSB - 1); // Add 0.5 (reconstruction parameter = 1/2) } } } @@ -1146,19 +1172,22 @@ jpeg2000_decode_magref_segment( uint16_t width, uint16_t block_height, const int for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { for (int i = i_start; i < i_start + height; i++) { sp = &sample_buf[j + i * stride]; - if (jpeg2000_get_state(i, j, width, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) != 0) { - jpeg2000_modify_state(i, j, width, 1 << HT_SHIFT_REF_IND, block_states); - *sp |= jpeg2000_import_magref_bit(&mag_ref, magref_segment, magref_length) << pLSB; + if (jpeg2000_get_state(i, j, stride, HT_SHIFT_SIGMA, block_states) != 0) { + jpeg2000_modify_state(i, j, stride, 1 << HT_SHIFT_REF_IND, block_states); + bit = jpeg2000_import_magref_bit(&mag_ref, magref_segment, magref_length); + tmp = 0xFFFFFFFE | (uint32_t)bit; + tmp <<= pLSB; + sp[0] &= tmp; + sp[0] |= 1 << (pLSB - 1); // Add 0.5 (reconstruction parameter = 1/2) } } } - return 1; } int ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000CodingStyle *codsty, Jpeg2000T1Context *t1, Jpeg2000Cblk *cblk, - int width, int height, int magp, uint8_t roi_shift) + int width, int height, int M_b, uint8_t roi_shift) { uint8_t p0 = 0; // 3 * p0 = Number of placeholder passes uint32_t Lcup; // Length of HT cleanup segment @@ -1190,7 +1219,8 @@ ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000CodingStyle *c uint8_t *block_states = NULL; int32_t n, val; // Post-processing - + const uint32_t mask = UINT32_MAX >> (M_b + 1); // bit mask for ROI detection + uint8_t num_rempass; const int quad_buf_width = width + 4; @@ -1201,9 +1231,6 @@ ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000CodingStyle *c av_assert0(width * height <= 4096); av_assert0(width * height > 0); - if (roi_shift) - avpriv_report_missing_feature(s->avctx, "ROI shift"); - memset(t1->data, 0, t1->stride * height * sizeof(*t1->data)); memset(t1->flags, 0, t1->stride * (height + 2) * sizeof(*t1->flags)); @@ -1229,7 +1256,11 @@ ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000CodingStyle *c } Dcup = cblk->data; Dref = cblk->data + Lcup; // Dref comes after the refinement segment + + cblk->data[cblk->length] = 0xFF; // an extra byte for refinement segment (buffer->last) + S_blk = p0 + cblk->zbp; + cblk->zbp = S_blk - 1; pLSB = 30 - S_blk; Scup = (Dcup[Lcup - 1] << 4) + (Dcup[Lcup - 2] & 0x0F); @@ -1275,31 +1306,32 @@ ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000CodingStyle *c goto free; } - if (cblk->npasses > 1) + if (z_blk > 1) jpeg2000_decode_sigprop_segment(cblk, width, height, quad_buf_width, Dref, Lref, pLSB - 1, sample_buf, block_states); - if (cblk->npasses > 2) { - - if (Lref < 2){ - av_log(s->avctx,AV_LOG_ERROR,"Invalid magnitude refinement length\n"); - ret = AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; - goto free; - } - if ((ret = jpeg2000_decode_magref_segment(width, height, quad_buf_width, Dref, Lref, - pLSB - 1, sample_buf, block_states)) < 0) - goto free; - } + if (z_blk > 2) + jpeg2000_decode_magref_segment(width, height, quad_buf_width, Dref, Lref, + pLSB - 1, sample_buf, block_states); pLSB = 31 - M_b; /* Reconstruct the sample values */ for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { + int32_t sign; + n = x + (y * t1->stride); val = sample_buf[x + (y * quad_buf_width)]; + sign = val & INT32_MIN; + val &= INT32_MAX; + /* ROI shift, if necessary */ + if (roi_shift && (((uint32_t)val & ~mask) == 0)) + val <<= roi_shift; /* Convert sign-magnitude to two's complement. */ - val = val >> 31 ? 0x80000000 - val : val; + if (sign) + val = -val; + /* Shift down to 1 bit upper from decimal point for reconstruction value (= 0.5) */ val >>= (pLSB - 1); t1->data[n] = val; } diff --git a/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.h b/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.h index 572d095c92..8d6919a0de 100644 --- a/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.h +++ b/libavcodec/jpeg2000htdec.h @@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ int ff_jpeg2000_decode_htj2k(const Jpeg2000DecoderContext *s, Jpeg2000CodingStyle *codsty, Jpeg2000T1Context *t1, Jpeg2000Cblk *cblk, int width, - int height, int magp, uint8_t roi_shift); + int height, int M_b, uint8_t roi_shift); #endif /* AVCODEC_JPEG2000HTDEC_H */ -- 2.34.1 _______________________________________________ ffmpeg-devel mailing list To unsubscribe, visit link above, or email with subject "unsubscribe".