Hi On Fri, May 03, 2024 at 03:45:20PM +0000, Cosmin Stejerean via ffmpeg-devel wrote: [...] > What doesn't exist (yet) is a way to keep people on the exact email based workflow > we currently have, and have bi-directional sync with something like github or gitlab. > Such a thing could probably be built, but it might be worth first trying to see if those > that insist on sticking with the CLI can use one of the existing CLI based workflows. Such a thing could be quite useful to many more projects than just ffmpeg. There are many older projects that use ML based workflows. I imagine STF might be willing to fund such a thing if it is technically feasable. As the goal of STF is about maintainance. And bridging the gap between old ML and new browser based workflows allowing developers who prefer to work through their web browser to do so. also, we need to find maintaince related projects worth minimum 150k ¤ for 2025 for STF. We cant do many of the things we do in 2024 for STF again as they where one time things and STF doesnt like sponsoring adding new features. thx [...] -- Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB There will always be a question for which you do not know the correct answer.