Hi Kieran On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 06:59:22PM +0000, Kieran Kunhya wrote: > > > > > Statements of Work and milestones (by definition) are for features. > > > > The SoW suggestion/need came from a lawyer that jonatas asked IIUC. > > so i can just suggest to put work like what you list above into a SOW like > > framework. Or maybe Jonatas can clarify, in case i misunderstood > > > > My point is that ongoing maintenance can't be split into discrete pieces of > work, nor arguably can a given timescale be associated with cleanup. Well, i certainly can split alot of the maintenance I do in discrete pieces of work I would assume at least some people can do that too for their work. > For example YUVJ is difficult, until you remove it and see the bugs you > don't know how long it will take. This is not suited to the bounty/SoW > methodology. I think the question is more, if this is suited for STF then. Because if its so unclear and open endeded iam not sure STF would be willing to fund it. I think the SoW side would not be the obstacle, but this is more for Tara and Jonatas to awnser than me. You can maybe write in a SoW along the lines of Remove YUVJ without introducing regressions, within 18 months and upto 50k EUR and payment would be 80USD per hour. You would have to keep track of the time spend in accordance to legal requirements OTOH if you cannot give any time or monetary limit at all i do not think STF would sponsor this. So i dont think the SoW or SPI is the obstacle here. Also it has to be said, that the example is hypothetical, you are not going to do that work. You seem more interrested in arguing against anything related to SPI (which you also did in the last refund request from lynne until lynne droped the request for parts to repair her laptop) But that said iam very interrested in your oppinon and input, if it leads to improvments. > > We don't need STF to be funding features, we need maintenance, Well i think we are happy about all funding, but STF is more about maintenance > infrastructure etc which all lends itself to salaried work. employment & salary is one way to pay someone. Sending invoices and doing some paperwork before is the other. Both work fine really. For example iam not employed by FFlabs and the work i did for them is just by sending invoices, while what i do qualifies as maintenance probably close to 100%. thx [...] -- Michael GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB Homeopathy is like voting while filling the ballot out with transparent ink. Sometimes the outcome one wanted occurs. Rarely its worse than filling out a ballot properly.